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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Kinerja Keberlanjutan
Management Analysis and Discussion Corporate Governance Sustainability Report
Mata Acara Hasil Pemungutan Suara Keterangan
Agenda Voting Result Description
so that the most important need at this time was
masks which had to be distributed properly by
PT MMI through parties considered capable of
distributing them to the community
Gaji dan Tunjangan Direktur, Komisaris Utama, Gaji dan Tunjangan Direktur, Komisaris Utama, Telah terlaksana
dan Komisaris. | Salaries and Benefits for the dan Komisaris ditetapkan secara terpisah. | Has been
Board of Directors, President Commissioner Salaries and allowances for the Board of Directors, implemented
and Commissioners. President Commissioner and Commissioners
are determined separately.
PT MMI belum dapat melakukan pembagian Perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan terlebih dahulu Telah terlaksana
Dividen untuk Tahun Buku 2020 mengingat secara internal untuk tahun buku 2020 dan Has been
masih belum dilakukannya pencatatan dalam dilanjutkan oleh KAP yang ditunjuk oleh PT MMI implemented
Laporan Keuangan per 31 Desember 2020 (in di kemudian hari, untuk sementara terhadap
house/audited). | PT MMI has not been able to laba ditahan maka agar dilakukan penyerapan
distribute dividends for the Fiscal Year 2020 kepada modal untuk operasional PT MMI. | It is
considering that it has not yet been recorded necessary to carry out an internal audit for the
in the Financial Statements as of December 31, fiscal year 2020, and continue it with an audit
2020 (in house/audited). carried out by KAP appointed by PT MMI, at the
time being, regarding retained earnings, the
capital is absorbed for PT MMI’s operations.
Pencadangan laba sebanyak 20% (dua puluh Pencadangan laba sebanyak 20% (dua puluh Telah terlaksana
persen) akan dibentuk oleh Direksi PT MMI. | persen) agar dapat ditindaklanjuti oleh Direksi Has been
Provision of profits of 20% (twenty percent) will PT MMI. | Provision of profit of 20% (twenty implemented
be established by the Board of Directors of PT percent) so that it can be followed up by the
MMI. Board of Directors of PT MMI.
Semua akan pada waktunya Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 2022 105