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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Kinerja Keberlanjutan
Management Analysis and Discussion Corporate Governance Sustainability Report
Kehadiran dalam RUPS GMS Attendance
Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan dalam Rapat The attendance of the Company’s Board of
Umum Pemegang Saham 2022 dapat dilihat melalui Commissioners at the 2022 General Meeting of
tabel berikut: Shareholders is presented in the following table:
Nama Anggota Dewan Komisaris Jumlah RUPS Jumlah Kehadiran Persentase
Members of the Board of Commissioners Total GMS Total Attendance Percentage
Hillary Josephine 1 1 100%
Allen Feliciano 1 1 100%
Togu Cornetius Simanjuntak* 0 0 0%
*Bapak Togu Cornetius baru menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen setelah RUPS dilaksanakan.
*Mr. Togu Cornius started serving as Independent Commissioner after the GMS implementation.
Program Pelatihan untuk Dewan Komisaris Training Program for the Board of Commissioners
Nama Anggota Dewan Komisaris Pelatihan yang Diikuti
Members of the Board of Commissioners Training
Togu Cornetius Simanjuntak EY Training Awareness PSAK 71, PSAK 72 & PSAK 73
Wakil Manajemen Investasi | Investment Management Representative
Pendidikan PNNS | PNNS
Prosedur Pengusulan, Nominasi, Procedure for Proposal, Nomination,
dan Penetapan Remunerasi and Remuneration
Proses nominasi Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan The nomination process for the Company’s Board of
ditetapkan melalui prosedur di mana formulasi Commissioners is determined through a procedure in
remunerasi dipersiapkan Dewan Komisaris dengan which the remuneration formulation is prepared by the
mengacu kepada kebijakan internal Perusahaan, Board of Commissioners by referring to the Company’s
peraturan eksternal yang berlaku, perbandingan internal policies, applicable external regulations,
industri serta mempertimbangkan kinerja Perusahaan. industry comparisons and considering the Company’s
Rapat Internal Dewan Komisaris Internal Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Dewan Komisaris dapat mengadakan rapat sewaktu- The Board of Commissioners may hold meetings at any
waktu atas permintaan 1 (satu) atau beberapa anggota time at the request of 1 (one) or several members of the
Dewan Komisaris atau permintaan Direksi, dengan Board of Commissioners or at the request of the Board of
menyebutkan hal-hal yang akan dibicarakan. Dalam Directors, by specifying the matters to be discussed. In
setiap rapat Dewan Komisaris dibuatkan risalah rapat each meeting of the Board of Commissioners, minutes
oleh Sekretaris perusahaan dan ditandatangani oleh of the meeting are prepared by the Corporate Secretary
pimpinan rapat serta seluruh anggota Dewan Komisaris and signed by the chairman of the meeting and all
yang hadir dalam rapat. Risalah rapat berisi hal-hal members of the Board of Commissioners present at the
yang dibicarakan dan hal-hal yang diputuskan. meeting. The minutes of the meeting contain matters
discussed and matters decided.
Semua akan pada waktunya Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 2022 109