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Kilas Kinerja Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan
Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile
Nama Dasar Pengangkatan Jabatan Periode Jabatan
Name Legal Basis of Appointment Position Period
Togu Cornetius Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan Ketua Komite Audit 6 September 2022 - saat ini
Simanjuntak No. 012/KEP-DEKOM/MMI/IX/2022 tanggal 6 Chairman of the Audit September 6, 2022 – present
September 2022 | Decree of the Company’s Board Committee
of Commissioners of the Company No. 012/KEP-
DEKOM/MMI/IX/2022 dated September 6, 2022
Yayang Ari Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan Anggota 6 September 2022 - saat ini
Setiawan No. 012/KEP-DEKOM/MMI/IX/2022 tanggal Member September 6, 2022 – present
6 September 2022 | Decree of the Board of
Commissioners of the Company No. 012/KEP-
DEKOM/MMI/IX/2022 dated September 6, 2022
Kristianti Surat Keputusan Dewan Komisaris Perusahaan Anggota 6 September 2022 - saat ini
Purnamasari No. 012/KEP-DEKOM/MMI/IX/2022 tanggal Member September 6, 2022 – present
6 September 2022 | Decree of the Board of
Commissioners of the Company No. 012/KEP-
DEKOM/MMI/IX/2022 dated September 6, 2022
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Ketua Komite Audit Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairman of the
Audit Committee
Berdasarkan Piagam Komite Audit, tugas dan tanggung Based on the Audit Committee Charter, the duties and
jawab Komite Audit sebagai berikut: responsibilities of the Audit Committee are as follows:
A. Bekerja secara kolektif dalam melaksanakan A. Working collectively in carrying out their duties to
tugasnya membantu Dewan Komisaris; assist the Board of Commissioners;
B. Bersifat mandiri baik dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya B. Being independent both in carrying out their duties
maupun dalam pelaporan, dan bertanggung jawab and in reporting, and being directly responsible to the
langsung kepada Dewan Komisaris; Board of Commissioners;
C. Membantu Dewan Komisaris untuk memastikan C. Assisting the Board of Commissioners to ensure the
efektivitas sistem pengendalian intern dan effectiveness of the internal control system and the
efektivitas pelaksanaan tugas eksternal auditor dan effectiveness of the implementation of external and
internal auditor; internal auditor duties;
D. Menilai pelaksanaan kegiatan serta hasil audit D. Assessing the implementation of activities and the
yang dilaksanakan oleh Satuan Pengawasan Intern results of audits carried out by the Internal Audit Unit
maupun auditor eksternal; and external auditors;
E. Memberikan rekomendasi mengenai E. Providing recommendations regarding the
penyempurnaan sistem pengendalian manajemen improvement of the management control system and
serta pelaksanaannya; its implementation;
F. Memastikan telah terdapat prosedur evaluasi F. Ensuring that there is a satisfactory evaluation
yang memuaskan terhadap segala informasi yang procedure for all information issued by the Company;
dikeluarkan Perusahaan;
G. Melakukan identifikasi hal-hal yang memerlukan G. Identifying matters that require the attention of the
perhatian Dewan Komisaris serta tugas-tugas Board of Commissioners and other duties of the
Dewan Komisaris lainnya; Board of Commissioners;
H. Wajib melaporkan secara tertulis hasil penugasan H. Having to report in writing the results of the
kepada Dewan Komisaris; dan assignment to the Board of Commissioners; And
I. Menjaga kerahasiaan dokumen, data dan I. Maintaining the confidentiality of Company
informasi Perusahaan. documents, data and information.
124 PT Multi Medika Internasional Tbk.