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Kilas Kinerja Laporan Manajemen Profil Perusahaan
Performance Highlights Management Report Company Profile
Pembagian Lingkup Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Separation of Duties and Responsibilities of the
Antardireksi Board of Directors
Direktur Utama President Director
Mengoordinasikan, mengawasi serta memimpin Coordinating, supervising and leading the management
manajemen Perusahaan dan memastikan semua of the Company and ensuring that all business activities
kegiatan usaha Perusahaan dijalankan sesuai dengan of the Company are carried out in accordance with the
visi, misi Perusahaan; mengawasi dan menelaah vision and mission of the Company; supervising and
manajemen risiko, dan sistem pengendalian internal reviewing risk management, and the Company’s internal
Perusahaan. control system.
Direktur Director
Memastikan Perusahaan memenuhi seluruh Ensuring that the Company fulfills all reporting obligations,
kewajiban pelaporan, ketentuan akuntansi dan audit accounting and auditing provisions stipulated by capital
yang ditetapkan oleh peraturan pasar modal; serta market regulations; as well as preparing the annual
menyusun dan membuat anggaran dasar tahunan, articles of association, other budgets and financial
anggaran lainnya dan rencana keuangan Perusahaan; plans of the Company; and running business processes
dan menjalankan proses bisnis dan komunikasi. and communications.
Penilaian Kinerja Angota Direksi Performance Assessment of Members of the
Board of Directors
Penilaian dan evaluasi kinerja anggota Dewan Direksi Performance assessment and evaluation of members of
dilaksanakan dengan pertimbangan dan evaluasi the Board of Directors is carried out with consideration and
pelaksanaan tugas dan kewajiban dengan mengacu evaluation of the implementation of duties and obligations
kepada Board Manual dan Key Performance Indicator is carried out by referring to the Board Manual and Key
(KPI) dengan kriteria dan aspek-aspek seperti berikut: Performance Indicator (KPI) with the following criteria
and aspects:
A. Kriteria Kinerja Direksi secara kolektif terhadap A. Criteria for the performance of the Board of Directors
pencapaian target Perusahaan; collectively towards achieving the Company’s
B. Pencapaian kinerja Direktur secara individual sesuai B. Achievement of Director’s performance is individually
bidang tugas dan tanggung jawabnya; according to the field of duties and responsibilities;
C. Pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip GCG, baik secara C. Implementation of GCG principles, both individually
individual maupun kolegial. and collegially.
Adapun penilaian kinerja Direksi dilakukan oleh The Board of Commissioners evaluates the performance
Dewan Komisaris. Penilaian terhadap Perangkat Kerja of the Board of Directors Assessment of Work Units
yang mendukung Pelaksanaan Tugas Direksi Dalam Supporting the Implementation of the Board of Directors’
menjalankan tugasnya, Direksi Perusahaan didukung DutiesIn carrying out their duties, the Board of Directors
oleh sejumlah perangkat kerja di antaranya adalah of the Company is supported by a number of work
Sekretaris Perusahaan dan Internal Audit. Penilaian dan units including the Corporate Secretary and Internal
evaluasi kinerja perangkat kerja pendukung kinerja Audit. Assessment and evaluation of the performance
Direksi dilakukan secara rutin di setiap tahun dengan of organs supporting the performance of the Board
prosedur Evaluasi Kinerja Penilaian ini dilaksanakan of Directors is carried out routinely every year with the
oleh Direksi. Performance Evaluation procedure. This assessment is
carried out by the Board of Directors.
Adapun dalam melakukan penilaian kinerja terhadap In evaluating the performance of work units supporting
perangkat kerja yang mendukung pelaksanaan tugas the implementation of the Board of Directors’ duties,
Direksi, kriteria yang digunakan adalah efektivitas the criterion used is the effectiveness of the programs
dari program yang dilaksanakan perangkat kerja implemented by supporting work units.
120 PT Multi Medika Internasional Tbk.