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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

          Adapun  besaran  total  remunerasi  Komisaris  adalah   The total remuneration for the Commissioners is
          sebesar Rp51.787.500 dan besaran total remunerasi   Rp51,787,500 and the total remuneration for the Board of
          Direksi adalah sebesar Rp2.637.355.228.            Directors is Rp2,637,355,228.

          Board of Directors


          Direksi  diwajibkan  untuk  menjalankan   fungsi   The Board of Directors is required to carry out the
          pengelolaan  Perusahaan  agar   selaras  dengan    management function of the Company so that it is in line
          perwujudan visi Perusahaan dengan mengacu kepada   with the realization of the Company’s vision by referring
          Anggaran Dasar dan peraturan perundang-undangan    to the Articles of Association and applicable laws
          yang berlaku.                                      and regulations.

          Prosedur dan Dasar Penetapan                       Procedure and Basis for Determination

          Anggota Direksi diangkat dan diberhentikan melalui   Members of the Board of Directors are appointed and
          mekanisme RUPS. Hingga akhir tahun 2022, susunan   dismissed through the GMS mechanism.  Until the end
          keanggotaan Direksi terdiri dari 2 (dua) orang, yaitu   of 2022, the membership composition of the Board of
          Mengky Mangarek, dan Eveline Natalia Susanto  yang   Directors  consists of  2  (two)  people,  namely Mengky
          diangkat berdasarkan Akta Keputusan RUPS No. 12    Mangarek, and Eveline Natalia Susanto who were
          tanggal 6 September 2022.                          appointed based on the Deed of GMS Resolution No.  12
                                                             dated September 6, 2022.

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