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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

          B.  Tugas, tanggng jawab, dan wewenang anggota     B.  Duties, responsibilities and authorities of the
            Direksi dan/atau Dewan Komisaris dikaitkan dengan   members of the Board of Directors and/or the Board
            pencapaian tujuan dan kinerja Perusahaan;           of Commissioners are linked to achieving the goals
                                                                and performance of the Company;
          C.  Target kinerja atau kinerja masing-masing anggota   C.  Performance targets or the performance of each
            Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris; dan       member of the Board of Directors and/or members
                                                                of the Board of Commissioners;  and
          D.  Keseimbangan  tunjangan  antara  tunjangan  yang   D.  Balance of benefits between fixed benefits and
            bersifat tetap dan Remunerasi yang bersifat variabel.  variable remuneration.

          Pernyataan Independensi Komite Nominasi            Statement of Independence of the Nomination
          dan Remunerasi                                     and Remuneration Committee

          Dalam   rangka    menjaga    independensi  dan     In  order  to  maintain  the  independence  and
          profesionalitas Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi,    professionalism of the Nomination and Remuneration
          seluruh anggota Komite tidak memiliki hubungan     Committee, all members of the Committee have no
          afiliasi,  baik  hubungan  kekeluargaan  maupun    affiliation, whether family or business, with members
          hubungan usaha, dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris,    of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors,
          Direksi,  maupun  Pemegang  Saham,  dan  Pengendali   or Shareholders and Controlling Shareholders of
          Perusahaan. Seluruh anggota Komite Nominasi dan    the Company. All members of the Nomination and
          Remunerasi juga tidak memiliki kepemilikan saham   Remuneration Committee also do not own shares in the
          Perusahaan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung.   Company, either directly or indirectly.

            Aspek Independensi                                            Togu Cornetius   Sapti    Timbul P.
            Independency Aspect                                            Simanjuntak   Ningrum    Siahaan
            Memiliki hubungan keuangan dengan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
            Has financial relationship with the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
            Memiliki hubungan kepengurusan di Perusahaan (entitas anak maupun afiliasi)
            Has a management relationship in the Company (subsidiaries and affiliates)
            Memiliki hubungan kepemilikan saham di Perusahaan
            Has a share ownership relationship in the Company
            Memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi
            dan/atau sesama anggota Komite Audit
            Has a family relationship with the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors
            and/or other members of the Audit Committee
            Menjabat sebagai pengurus partai politik, pejabat pemerintah daerah
            Serves as administrators of political parties, local government officials

          Pelaksanaan Rapat Komite Nominasi                  Implementation of Meetings of the Nomination
          dan Remunerasi                                     and Remuneration Committee

          Di tahun 2022, Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi      In 2022, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
          belum menyelenggarakan rapat internal karena       did not hold an internal meeting because it was only
          pembentukannya yang baru terlaksana di akhir       established at the end of the fiscal year.
          tahun buku.

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