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Analisis dan Pembahasan Manajemen Tata Kelola Perusahaan Kinerja Keberlanjutan
Management Analysis and Discussion Corporate Governance Sustainability Report
Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Komite Nominasi Duties and Responsibilities of the Nomination
dan Remunerasi and Remuneration Committee
Adapun tugas dan tanggung jawabnya adalah The duties and responsibilities are as follows:
sebagai berikut:
1. Terkait dengan fungsi Nominasi: 1. Regarding the Nomination function:
A. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan A. Providing recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris mengenai: Commissioners regarding:
• Komposisi jabatan anggota Direksi dan/atau • Composition of members of the Board of
anggota Dewan Komisaris; Directors and/or members of the Board of
• Kebijakan dan kriteria yang dibutuhkan dalam • Policies and criteria required in the Nomination
proses Nominasi; dan process; and
• Kebijakan evaluasi kinerja bagi anggota • Performance evaluation policy for members of
Direksi dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris; the Board of Directors and/or members of the
Board of Commissioners;
B. Membantu Dewan Komisaris melakukan B. Assisting the Board of Commissioners in
penilaian kinerja anggota Direksi dan/atau evaluating the performance of members of the
anggota Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan tolok Board of Directors and/or members of the Board
ukur yang telah disusun sebagai bahan evaluasi; of Commissioners based on benchmarks that
have been prepared as evaluation material;
c. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan C. Providing recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris mengenai program pengembangan Commissioners regarding capacity building
kemampuan anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota programs for members of the Board of
Dewan Komisaris; dan Directors and/or members of the Board of
Commissioners; and
D. Memberikan usulan calon yang memenuhi syarat D. Providing proposals for candidates who meet
sebagai anggota Direksi dan/atau anggota the requirements as members of the Board
Dewan Komisaris kepada Dewan Komisaris untuk of Directors and/or members of the Board of
disampaikan kepada RUPS. Commissioners to the Board of Commissioners to
be submitted to the GMS.
2. Terkait dengan fungsi Remunerasi: 2. Regarding the Remuneration function:
A. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan A. Providing recommendations to the Board of
Komisaris mengenai: Commissioners regarding:
• Struktur Remunerasi; • Remuneration Structure;
• Kebijakan atas Remunerasi; dan • Remuneration Policy; and
• Besaran atas Remunerasi; • Amount of Remuneration;
B. Membantu Dewan Komisaris melakukan B. Assisting the Board of Commissioners in
penilaian kinerja dengan kesesuaian Remunerasi evaluating performance according to the
yang diterima masing-masing anggota Direksi remuneration received by each member of the
dan/atau anggota Dewan Komisaris. Board of Directors and/or member of the Board of
Prosedur dan Dasar Penetapan Procedure and Basis for Determination
Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, penyusunan In carrying out their duties, the preparation of the
struktur, kebijakan dan besaran Remunerasi harus structure, policies and amount of Remuneration must
memperhatikan: take into account the following:
A. Remunerasi yang berlaku pada industri sesuai A. Remuneration that applies to the industry in
dengan kegiatan usaha sejenis Perusahaan dan accordance with business activities similar to the
skala usaha dari Perusahaan dalam industrinya; Company and the business scale of the Company in
its industry;
Semua akan pada waktunya Laporan Tahunan 2022 Annual Report 2022 115