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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

          Corporate Secretary



          Sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan OJK Nomor 35/   As stipulated in OJK Regulation Number 35/POJK.04/2014,
          POJK.04/2014,  Sekretaris  Perusahaan  menjalankan   the Corporate Secretary functions as a facilitator
          fungsi sebagai fasilitator antara Perusahaan dengan   between the Company and the public, shareholders and
          masyarakat,  pemegang  saham,  dan  pihak  otoritas;   authorities;  keeps abreast of developments and informs
          mengikuti perkembangan dan menginformasikan        the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners
          Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris hal-hal terkait informasi   on matters related to Capital Market information;  as
          Pasar Modal; serta penyelenggaraan dan dokumentasi   well  as organizes and  documents the meetings  of the
          rapat Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi serta RUPS dengan   Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors as well
          tetap  mengacu   kepada   peraturan  perundang-    as the GMS while still referring to the applicable laws
          undangan   yang  berlaku.  Sekretaris  Perusahaan  and regulations.  The Corporate Secretary is directly
          bertanggung jawab secara langsung kepada Direktur   responsible to the President Director, and is appointed
          Utama, serta diangkat dan diberhentikan dengan     and dismissed by the Board of Directors.
          keputusan Direksi.

          Hingga 31 Desember 2022, jabatan Sekretaris Perusahaan   Until December 31, 2022, the position of Corporate
          dipegang oleh Ibu Karina Nurhadiah berdasarkan Surat   Secretary was held by Mrs. Karina Nurdinding based on
          Keputusan Direksi No. 019/SK-DIR/MMI/IX/2022 tanggal   the Decree of the Board of Directors No.  019/SK-DIR/MMI/
          06 September 2022.                                 IX/2022 dated September 6, 2022.

          Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan
          Profile of the Corporate Secretary

                                                              Sekretaris Perusahaan
                Karina                                        Corporate Secretary

                Nurhadiah                                    Usia   40 tahun      Kewarganegaraan  Indonesia
                                                             Age    40 years old    Nationality   Indonesian

          Ibu Karina Nurhadiah berusia 40 tahun, berkewarganergaraan   Mrs. Karina Nurhadiah is 40 years old and is an Indonesian
          Indonesia. Beliau merupakan Magister Pemasaran dari   citizen. She earned a Master’s Degree in Marketing from the
          Universitas Paramadina pada tahun 2022. Sebelum menjadi   .Paramadina University in 2022. Prior to becoming a member
          anggota Sekretaris Perusahaan, beliau menduduki beberapa   of the Corporate Secretary, she held several positions including
          jabatan di antaranya  mulai dari PT Monica Hijau Lestari sebagai   as  Store Supervisor at PT Monica Hijau Lestari (2004-2005),
          Store Supervisor (2004-2005), sebagai Area Supervisor di PT   Area Supervisor at PT Harmoni Mitra Jaya (2005-2006),
          Harmoni Mitra Jaya (2005-2006), sebagai Regional Supervisor di   Regional Supervisor at PT Asia Bandar Alam (2006-2007),
          PT Asia Bandar Alam (2006-2007), sebagai Manajer Operasional   Operations Manager at PT Emax Fortune International (2008),
          di PT Emax Fortune International (2008), Manajer Operasional   Operations Manager  at PT  Atri Distribusindo  (2010-2013),
          di PT Atri Distribusindo (2010-2013), Manajer Pemasaran Junior   Junior Marketing Manager at PT Atri Distribusindo (2012-2013),
          di PT Atri Distribusindo (2012-2013), Manajer Unit Bisnis di PT   Business Unit Manager at PT Atri Distribusindo (2013),  Assistant
          Atri Distribusindo (2013), Asisten General Manajer di PT Elleair   General Manager at PT Elleair Trading International Indonesia
          Trading International Indonesia (2014-2021), General Manajer   (2014-2021), Marketing General Manager at PT Multiutama
          Pemasaran di PT Multiutama Disposindo Jaya (2021-2022).  Disposindo Jaya (2021-2022).

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