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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

             Prinsip                     Rekomendasi                        Penerapan
             Principle                   Recommendation                     Implementation

            Aspek B: Fungsi dan Peran Dewan Komisaris
            Aspect B: Functions and Roles of the Board of Commissioners
                                                                            of  Commissioners.  In  the  event  that  the
                                                                            member  of the Board  of Commissioners
                                                                            resigns,  it  will  be  decided  through
                                                                            the GMS mechanism. Information: Complied

                                         Dewan Komisaris atau Komite Nominasi   Merujuk pada Piagam Komite Nominasi dan
                                         dan   Remunerasi  menyusun  kebijakan  Remunerasi, salah satu tugas dan tanggung
                                         suksesi  dalam    Proses  Nominasi   jawab dari Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi
                                         anggota Direksi                    adalah untuk memberikan  rekomendasi
                                                                            kepada Dewan Komisaris mengenai evaluasi
                                         The Board of Commissioners or the Nomination   kinerja dan usulan calon yang memenuhi
                                         and Remuneration Committee formulates a   syarat sebagai anggota Direksi.
                                         succession  policy  in the Nomination Process   Keterangan: Terpenuhi
                                         for members of the Board of Directors
                                                                            Referring  to  the  Nomination  and
                                                                            Remuneration Committee Charter, one
                                                                            of the duties and responsibilities of the
                                                                            Nomination and Remuneration Committee
                                                                            is to provide recommendations to the Board
                                                                            of Commissioners regarding performance
                                                                            evaluation and propose candidates who
                                                                            meet the requirements as members of
                                                                            the Board of Directors.
                                                                            Information: Complied

            Aspek C: Fungsi dan Peran Direksi
            Aspect C: Functions and Roles of the Board of Directors
             Prinsip 5. Memperkuat keanggotaan   Penentuan  jumlah  anggota  Direksi  Berdasarkan Anggaran Dasar  Perseroan,
             dan Komposisi Direksi       mempertimbangkan kondisi perusahaan serta   Penentuan  jumlah  Direksi  Perseroan
                                         efektivitas dalam pengambilan keputusan  mengacu pada ketentuan Perundang-
             5th Principle.  Strengthening  the                             undangan yang berlaku di mana menurut
             membership and composition of the   Determination  of  the  number  of  members  of   POJK No.33/POJK.04/2014 tentang Direksi dan
             Board of Directors          the Board of Directors takes into account the   Dewan  Komisaris  Emiten  atau  Perusahaan
                                         company’s  condition  and  effectiveness  in    Publik paling kurang terdiri dari 2 (dua) orang
                                         decision making                    anggota Direksi.  Keterangan: Terpenuhi
                                                                            Based on the Company’s Articles of
                                                                            Association, the determination of the
                                                                            number  of the  Company’s Board of
                                                                            Directors refers to the provisions of the
                                                                            applicable laws where according to POJK
                                                                            No.33/POJK.04/2014 concerning Board of
                                                                            Directors and Board of Commissioners
                                                                            of  Issuers  or  Public  Companies,  there  are
                                                                            at least 2 (two) members of the Board
                                                                            of Directors.  Information: Complied
                                         Penentuan  komposisi  anggota  Direksi  Berdasarkan  kebijakan  Pemegang
                                         memperhatikan  keberagaman  keahlian,  Saham, Direksi Perseroan telah dipilih
                                         pengetahuan  dan  pengalaman  yang  dengan  memperhatikan  keberagaman
                                         dibutuhkan                         keahlian,  pengetahuan,  pengalaman
                                                                            serta  kondisi  dan   kompleksitas
                                         Determination of the composition of the   bisnis Perseroan.  Keterangan: Terpenuhi
                                         members of the Board of Directors takes into
                                         account the diversity of expertise, knowledge and     Based on the Shareholders’ policy, the
                                         experience required                Company’s Directors have been appointed
                                                                            by taking into account the diversity  of
                                                                            expertise,  knowledge,  experience  as  well
                                                                            as the conditions and complexity of the
                                                                            Company’s business.  Information: Complied

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