Page 207 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 207

Fixing technology

          Bolt-anchors R-XPT, steel

         Extract from the application conditions in the ETA-08/0339 approval
         Overall safety factir taken into account according ETAG ( γM und γF)

          Loads and characteristics values  Bolt-anchors R-XPT  M8  M10  M12  M16  M20
          Characteristic transverse load in  C20/25 N  [kN]  12  12   25    40     40
          uncracked concrete
                                     C30/37              1,1  1,37   1,16  1,17  1,30
                                     C40/50             1,21  1,74   1,33  1,34  1,59
                                     C50/60             1,32  1,20   1,49  1,50  1,89
          Characteristics shear load capacity   V Rk,s  [kN]  10,1  16,0  23,3  43,0  67,4
          Characteristic bending torque    M Rk,s  [Nm]  17    35     61   154    301
          Axial spacing and edge clearances
          Effective anchoring depth      –   h   [mm]    47    49     68    85     99
          Axial spacing                  –  s ,N  [mm]  141    147   204   255    297
          Edge clearance                 –  c ,N  [mm]   71    74    102   128    149
          Minimum axial spacing          –  s    [mm]    50    55     75    90    140
          Minimum edge clearance         –  c min  [mm]  40    50     65    80    100
          Minimum component thickness    –  h min  [mm]  100   100   136   170    198
          Axial spacing and edge clearances at reduced anchoring depth
          Effective anchoring depth      –   h ef  [mm]  32    39     48    65     79
          Axial spacing                  –   s cr  [mm]  96    177   144   195    237
          Edge clearance                 –   c cr  [mm]  48    59     72    98    119
          Minimum axial spacing          –  s    [mm]    45    55    100   100    125
          Minimum edge clearance         –  c min  [mm]  40    65    100   100    125
          Minimum component thickness    –  h min  [mm]  100   100   100   130    158
          Mounting data
          Hole diameter                  –    d o  [mm]   8    10     12    16     20
          Through-hole in the mounted part  –  d f  [mm]  9    11     13    18     22
          Min. drilled hole depth        –    h 0  [mm]  55/40 1)  59/49 1)  80/60 1)  100/80 1)  119/99 1)
          Anchoring torque               –  T    [Nm]    15    30     50   100    200
          1) Reduced anchoring depth (note reduced loads)

         Data for Bolt Anchor M2-U, galvanised steel

                                                           M12    M16
          Recommended tensile load in concrete 1)  C20/25  N Emp  [kN]  9.9  11.9
          Recommended radial load           –  V Emp  [kN]  8.4   15.7
          Recommended bending torque        –  M    [Nm]   46.8  118.6
          Nominal edge clearance            –    c  [mm]    102    120
          Nominal axial spacing             –    s  [mm]    204    240
          Minimum component thickness       –  h    [mm]    140    160
          Effective anchoring depth         –   h ef  [mm]  68     80
          Spanner size                      –   sw  [mm]    19     24
          Anchoring torque                  –  T inst  [Nm]  50    100
          Drilled hole depth                –    h  [mm]    90     110
          Drilled hole Ø in construction material  –  d o  [mm]  12  16
          Hole Ø in mounted part            –    d f  [mm]  14     18
          Washer Ø                          –    d  [mm]    37     50
          Thread length                     –    l G  [mm]  120    120
          Outer Ø of dowell                 –  d nom  [mm]  12     16
          Usable installation length        –   t fix  [mm]  90  105   105  145
                                                        125  145  185   215
                                                        165  205
          1) Reduced anchoring depth (note reduced loads)

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   207
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