Page 344 - Icon Ridge Industrial Tools Catalog
P. 344

Milling tools monoblock \ HPC POWER solid carbide mill
                        HPC POWER solid carbide end mill STAINLESS STEEL
                         4 flutes, ULTRA M coated

         VHM  ULTRA  Typ  Z               HB   HA                HPC
               M   VA    4   41°/44°  γ = 8°
        Application:                                       ƒ Optimised cutting edge design
        HPC end mill for machining rust- and acid-proof steels and titanium and nick-  ƒ With clearance
        el-based alloys, optimal application in trochoidal milling and in edge, corner and     ƒ Cutting edge with edge preparation
        groove machining.
        Execution:                                         ƒ Increased material removal rate
        ƒ Solid carbide ultra-fine grain                   ƒ High process reliability owing to robust cutting edges
        ƒ ULTRA M high-performance coating                 ƒ Higher feed rates and cutting depths possible
        ƒ Centre cutting                                   ƒ Reduces vibrations
        ƒ Uneven twist angle: 41°/44°                      ƒ Ideal for static and dynamic trochoidal milling
        ƒ Unequal cutting edge pitch

                  Ident. No. 204–220                Ident. No. 304–320

                                                                                                R theo

          Application  Steel (N/mm ) 2  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
            No.   <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
         16855204-220            125  110  300     260     200                     70   50   50
         16855244-260            125  110  300     260     200                     70   50   50
         16855304-320            125  110  300     260     200                     70   50   50
         16855344-360            125  110  300     260     200                     70   50   50
                                                                                  Type    VA         VA
                                                                                Surface  ULTRA M   ULTRA M
                                                                         Tool holding device HB parallel shank HA parallel shank
                                                                    Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  h10  h10
                                                                        Tolerance of shank Ø  h6     h6
                                                                      Z (PCS)  fz steinl.   16855...  16855...
                                                                             st. ˜ (mm)  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
           mm       mm      mm       mm      mm       mm       mm
            4      0.15      5       8        54      3.8      6        4      0.03   204   ●    244   ●
            4      0.15      8       12       54      3.8      6        4      0.03   304   ●    344   ●
            5       0.2      6       10       54      4.7      6        4      0.04   205   ●    245   ●
            5       0.2     10       15       54      4.7      6        4      0.04   305   ●    345   ●
            6       0.3      7       16       54      5.7      6        4      0.04   206   ●    246   ●
            6       0.3     13       21       57      5.7      6        4      0.04   306   ●    346   ●
            8       0.3      9       20       58      7.7      8        4      0.06   208   ●    248   ●
            8       0.3     19       27       63      7.7      8        4      0.06   308   ●    348   ●
           10       0.3     11       24       66      9.6      10       4      0.07   210   ●    250   ●
           10       0.3     22       32       72      9.6      10       4      0.07   310   ●    350   ●
           12       0.3     12       26       73      11       12       4      0.09   212   ●    252   ●
           12       0.3     26       38       83      11       12       4      0.09   312   ●    352   ●
           16       0.4     16       32       82      15       16       4      0.11   216   ●    256   ●
           16       0.4     32       44       92      15       16       4      0.11   316   ●    356   ●
           20       0.4     20       40       92      19       20       4      0.14   220   ●    260   ●
           20       0.4     38       54      104      19       20       4      0.14   320   ●    360   ●
        Prod. Gr. 108
                        HPC POWER solid carbide end mill STAINLESS STEEL
                         4 flutes, ULTRA M coated - INTERNAL COOLING

              ULTRA  Typ  Z               HB
         VHM       VA                                  HPC
               M         4   41°/44°  γ = 8°                 IK
        Application:                      ƒ Optimised cutting edge design
        HPC end mill for machining rust- and acid-proof   ƒ With clearance
        steels and titanium and nickel-based alloys, optimal   ƒ Cutting edge with edge preparation
        application in trochoidal milling and in edge, corner     ƒ With internal cooling
        and groove machining.
        Execution:                        ƒ Increased material removal rate
        ƒ Solid carbide ultra-fine grain  ƒ High process reliability owing to robust cutting
        ƒ ULTRA M high-performance coating  edges
        ƒ Centre cutting                  ƒ Higher feed rates and cutting depths possible      R theo
        ƒ Uneven twist angle: 41°/44°     ƒ Reduces vibrations
        ƒ Unequal cutting edge pitch      ƒ Ideal for static and dynamic trochoidal milling

          Application  Steel (N/mm ) 2  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
            No.   <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
         16855406-420            125  110  300     260     200                     70   50   50

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        344   Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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