Page 347 - Icon Ridge Industrial Tools Catalog
P. 347
Milling tools monoblock \ Solid carbide mill for trochoidal machining
ATORN TVC trochoidal end mill
milling tools for modern milling strategies
the new ATORN TVC end mills are ideally suited for processing various steels and
stainless steels/heat-resistant alloys using modern milling strategies. cutting
lengths of 3xD and 4xD, reinforced cores and specially developed chip breaker
geometries allow for deep operating depths with maximum process reliability.
The variable twist angles of 44°/45° and 37°/40° reduce vibrations to a mini-
mum and lead to highest surface qualities.
maximum cutting edge lengths – both types are available in 3xD and 4xD
cutting length.
Uneven twist angle
Steel = 44°/45°, stainless steel = 37°/40°
Chamfer Edge protection - all tools are manufactured with chamfer edges for
protection against wear.
chip breaker geometry – produces short chips, thus optimising
chip removal.
optimised number of teeth – 3xD tools have 5 teeth; the 4xD tools are manu-
factured with 4 teeth.
3xD with 5 teeth 4xD with 4 teeth edge protection chip breaker
trochoidal milling
TVC = Trochoidal Volume Cutting advantages: static:
this milling strategy creates smarter and more effi- cutting depths of 3-4xD easily possible only grooves are milled. the tool paths con-
cient tool paths, especially when rough machining. optimal, controlled tool engagement sist exclusively of circular tool paths.
this means that more material can be removed in a almost constant engagement angle (max. 70°) and dynamic:
shorter time – without any loss of quality. overlap- centre chip thickness free workpiece contours are milled. the
ping a circular path on the feed movement has a tool paths consist of circular and straight
positive influence on contact conditions. reducing low stress on tool / spindle / bearings tool paths. the circular paths may in some
stepover while at the same time utilising the entire the cutting parameters can be selected very cases include very large radii or linear
cutting length results in the process forces being aggressively movements.
significantly reduced.
Solid carbide TVC end mill, trochoidal — STEEL
4-5 flutes, ULTRA coated
Typ Z Z HB
VHM ULTRA N 5 4 γ = 10° 45°
Application: straight shank in line with DIN 6535 HB Ident. No. 002–012
The TVC end mills are optimally suited for processing ULTRA-coated
with modern milling strategies. Cutting lengths centre cutting and edge protection chamfer
of 3xD and 4xD, reinforced cores and specially special chip breakers for short chips
developed chip breaker geometries allow for deep Ident. No. 020–028
operating depths with maximum process reliability. uneven twist angle
Ident. No. 002–012: 3xD design with clearance
solid carbide ultra-fine grain
Application Steel (N/mm ) Stainless steel Alu Brass Bronze Plas- Graphite GG(G) Titan- Nickel- Super- Hard mat.
No. <700 <1000 <1300 marten. austen. short long short long short long tics G(C)FK GjMW alloy alloy alloy <55 HRC <65 HRC
16859002-012 270 250 220 170
16859020-028 270 250 220 170
Type N
Surface ULTRA
Tool holding device HB parallel shank
Tolerance of cutting edge Ø h10
Tolerance of shank Ø h6
Z (PCS) fz steel 16859...
1000 Ident. No.
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
6 19 21 62 5.7 6 0.12 5 0.07 002 ●
6 25 - 70 - 6 0.12 4 0.07 020 ●
8 26 28 68 7.7 8 0.16 5 0.09 004 ●
8 34 - 80 - 8 0.16 4 0.09 022 ●
10 32 35 80 9.7 10 0.2 5 0.11 006 ●
10 42 - 95 - 10 0.2 4 0.11 024 ●
12 38 42 93 11.7 12 0.24 5 0.14 008 ●
12 50 - 105 - 12 0.24 4 0.14 026 ●
16 50 56 108 15.7 16 0.32 5 0.18 010 ●
16 66 - 125 - 16 0.32 4 0.18 028 ●
20 62 70 126 19.7 20 0.4 5 0.21 012 ●
Prod. Gr. 152
Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
Technical data subject to change. 347
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