Page 345 - Icon Ridge Industrial Tools Catalog
P. 345

Milling tools monoblock \ HPC POWER solid carbide mill
                                                                                              Type    VA
                                                                                            Surface  ULTRA M
                                                                                      Tool holding device HB parallel shank
                                                                                 Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  h10
                                                                                     Tolerance of shank Ø  h6
                                                                                 Z (PCS)  fz steinl. st. ˜  16855...
                                                                                           (mm)   Ident. No.
             mm        mm        mm       mm        mm        mm        mm
             6         0.3       13        21       57        5.7       6         4        0.04   406    ●
             8         0.3       19        27       63        7.7       8         4        0.06   408    ●
             10        0.3       22        32       72        9.6       10        4        0.07   410    ●
             12        0.3       26        38       83        11        12        4        0.09   412    ●
             16        0.4       32        44       92        15        16        4        0.11   416    ●
             20        0.4       38        54       104       19        20        4        0.14   420    ●
         Prod. Gr. 108
                      ATORN HPC POWER end mill HARD

         the new HPC HARD by ATORN is used wher-  features:
         ever high-strength materials up to 1600 N/  ƒ Ø range 6 - 20 mm
         mm  or hardened steel from 45 to 55 HRC is   ƒ short and long version
         machined. the uneven pitch ensures maximum
         smoothness and process reliability. it is ideally   ƒ various corner radii available
         suited for HSC machining or for trochoidal   ƒ unequal twist angle (35°/38°)
         milling and shows its strength also in edge,   ƒ perfect for modern milling strategies
         angular and groove milling and drilling up to   ƒ suitable for materials up to 55 HRC
         0.5 x diameter. the new tool is available in the
         diameter range from 6-20 mm as well as in the   advantages:
         two different cutting lengths short and long.
                                       ƒ shaft version HA and HB in h6 tolerance
                                       ƒ all tools with clearance for greater milling
                                       ƒ low-vibration milling due to different twist
                                        angles (35°/38°)
                                       ƒ ULTRA coating ensures highest service life
                                       ƒ optimised front chip space makes for better
                                        suitability when helix milling and ramping

                                                                     cutting corner opti-  unequal cutting
                                                                     mally protected due  pitch reduces
                                                                     to edge protection   vibration
                                                                     chamfer and stable
                                                                     front cutting edge
                         HPC POWER solid carbide end mill HARD
                          4 flutes, ULTRA H coated

          VHM  ULTRA  Typ  Z               HB   HA                HPC
                H    H    4    35°/38°  γ = -3°
         Application:                                       ƒ Optimised cutting edge design
         HPC end mill for high-strength materials up to 1600 N/mm  and hardened steel   ƒ With clearance
         up to 55 HRC – optimal application in trochoidal milling and in edge, corner and     ƒ Cutting edge with edge preparation
         groove machining.
         Execution:                                         ƒ Increased material removal rate
         ƒ Solid carbide ultra-fine grain                   ƒ High process reliability owing to robust cutting edges
         ƒ ULTRA H high-performance coating                 ƒ Very good surface quality
         ƒ Centre cutting                                   ƒ Reduces vibrations
         ƒ Uneven twist angle: 35°/38°                      ƒ Ideal for static and dynamic trochoidal milling
         ƒ Unequal cutting edge pitch

                   Ident. No. 506–521                Ident. No. 606–621

                                                                                                 R theo

           Application  Steel (N/mm )  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
             No.    <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
          16855506-521  160  140  120                                          160                 100
          16855546-561  160  140  120                                          160                 100
          16855606-621  160  140  120                                          160                 100
          16855646-661  160  140  120                                          160                 100
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   345
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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