Page 488 - Industrial Tools Catalog (1)
P. 488

Lathe tools \ Technical introduction–turning - ISO turning

                                                    a  ( mm )  p  6,3 10  MN4
                                                     4  MN
                                                     0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5
                                                                  f ( mm )
                    Cemented carbide grades ISO N
                     Positive ground and polished ISO N type for non-ferrous metals!

        ƒ Innovative basic substrate
        ƒ Extremely positive cutting geometry
        ƒ Polished chip surfaces
        ƒ Innovative chip breaker

                                            range of applications
          application  coating
                                01  05  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45
            ISO         CVD
             N                            OHW7315

        Application                                  The high-performance one in non-ferrous metals!
                               High-performance variety for machining in non-ferrous metals with high hardness and wear resistance and low tendency to stick for
                                                      use in good to unfavourable operating conditions.
        Application                                                 ˜
        Substrate                                                  K15
        Grain size                                                 1 µm
        Type of coating                                             -
        Coating thickness                                           -
        Operating conditions                                   Good-unfavourable
        cutting speed

        Insert                 MN2 – extremely positive cutting optimised for non-fer-  MN3 – extremely positive cutting optimised for non-fer-
                               rous metalworking with chip breaker!
                                                                     rous metalworking with chip breaker!
        Advantages             ƒ Very positive chip breaker optimised for wide infeed range   ƒ Very positive chip breaker optimised for wide infeed range
                                and high surface quality              and high surface quality
                               ƒ Low cutting forces and good chip breakage  ƒ Low cutting forces and good chip breakage
                               ƒ Wide clamping range for smoothing and moderate   ƒ Wide clamping range for smoothing and moderate
                                machining                             machining
                               ƒ Optimised geometry for long-chipping non-ferrous metals  ƒ Optimised geometry for long-chipping non-ferrous metals
        Cutting forces
        Surface quality
                                                 N                                     N
                                    16                                    16
                                   a  ( mm )  p  6,3 10  MN2             a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  MN3
                                    4  MN2                                4  MN3
                                    2,5                                   2,5
                                    1,6                                   1,6
                                    1                                     1
                                   0,63                                   0,63
                                    0,4                                   0,4
                                   0,25                                   0,25
                                                    27,5°                                 27,5°
                                   0,16                                   0,16
                                    0,1                                   0,1
                                    0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5
                                                 f ( mm )                              f ( mm )

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        488   Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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