Page 146 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 146

4.    General Performance:

               a)  Overview of the department:

                        Coaching,  Freight  and  other  related  maintenance  activities
                     are dealt by Mechanical (C&W) Wing.

               i.   Organization Structure:

                         Sr.CDO/SC                   Sr.DME/Co-ord/SC                      Sr.CDO/HYB

                           CDO/SC                                                              SSE/HYB

                       ADME/C&WSC                       DME/C&W/SC                         ADME/RDM

               ii.   Work Distribution:

                                                             Staff Matters
                                                             Works  under  PH-4100  &  4200

                       Sr.DME/Co-ord/SC                        heads
                      (Overall In-charge                     Weight bridges
                        of Mech (C&W)

                                                            All Freight activities in the division

                                                              Coaching activities at SC and
                           Sr.CDO/SC                      breakdown activities (SPMRV, SPART,

                                                                      140T crane at SC)

                           Sr.CDO/HYB                     Coaching activities at HYB, LPI, BIDR
                                                                             & KHNP

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