Page 142 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 142
vii. Display of Heritage wagon at the entrance of RDM depot: Old
unserviceable Flat Wagon no. 68307 KM (vacuum stock)
available at MLY shed was brought to RDM depot. After
renovation and painting with in-house facilities, it is showcased as
heritage wagon at the entrance of RDM depot.
Before painting
After painting
viii. Salvaging of 5 CASNUB trolleys and 7 wheels which were lying in
the Kinnerasani river bed on account of accident happened in
1992: Team BDCR salvaged 5 CASNUB trolleys and 7 wheels using
Road crane and sent to RYPS for further disposal. It was told that,
these debris belongs to an accident occurred in 1992. The
expenditure occurred during this operation is Nil as Road crane is
arranged by M/s Kothagudem Thermal Power Station authorities
for salvaging and departmental lorry was used for transportation
of materials.