Page 189 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 189

Sl.                                                  Route Wise                        Remarks
             N          Description                                          D
             o                                  A       B         D         SPL      E     Total
                 No. of Interlocked LC
             8  gates with  sliding            33      17         13         5       0      68
                 boom (Block  Section)
                 No. of LC gates with
             9  Electrically Operated          45      19         10         2       3      79
                 Lifting Barrier with ESLB
                 No. of LC gates with
            10                                 21      19         20         4       5      69
                 Operated  Lifting
                 Barrier with ESLB
             V.                                      INTERLOCKING
                                                                                                  SC, KZJ &
             1  No. of stations with RRI        1         2         0       0      0       3
                 No. of stations with
             2  Route setting Panel             2         4         5       0     15      26
                 Interlocking. (RSPI)

                 No. of stations with                                                            B-25/28
                 Central Panels and                                                              D-23/23
             3                                 23         25        23      1      6      78     D SPL-01/01
                 conventional Panel                                                              E-06/07
                 Relay interlocking.                                                             TOTAL :

                 No. of stations with                                                            Stations-34
             4  Solid State                    22         8         4       0      1      35     Cabins-9
                 Interlocking (EI).
             5   No. of stations with           0         0         1       0      3       4     closed.SCM
                 SM’s  slide instruments
                                                                                                 S, GDCR,
             6   No. of stations with           6         3         0       0      1      10
                 End  panels
                 No, of conventional

                 relay interlocking
             7  (RSPI/PI) locations with        5         14        7       0     18      44
                 Overlap route

             8   No. of stations with           0         2         0       0      0       2     KZJ MC 1, KZJ
                 lever  frame                                                                    MC 2
             VI                                      TYPES OF SIGNALS:

             1   No. of stations with           0         0         0       0      0       0
                 Semaphore signals

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