Page 190 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 190

                 No. of stations with
             2                                 47         40        32      1     25      145    Temporarily
             3  No. of LED aspects            2959      2196       1077    52    691     6975

            Sl.                                                 Route Wise
             N          Description                                        D                       Remarks
             o                                  A         B         D     SPL      E     Total
                 No. of Integrated LED
             4                                2959      2196       819     52    549     6575
            VII                                          DATALOGGERS:
                 No. of locations with
             1  data loggers.                  90         51        33      1     24      199    CDRG,
                 (Locations)                                                                     PSHP
                 No. of data loggers
             2  networked.                     90         51        33      1     24      199

             3   No. of RTUs provided           0         23        0       0      0      23
                 in auto signals.

                 No. of RTUs provided
             4                                 41         19        0       0      0      60
                 in IBS.
                 No. of RTUs provided
             5                                 45         26        4       2      0      77
                 in  LCs.
                                                                                                 P, WL,
                 No. of RTUs provided                                                            KMT,MLY,
             6                                  5         4         0       0      0       9
                 in Central Panel.                                                               VKB,SKP, GT
             II                                             OTHERS
                 No. of Major IPS at
             1                                 92         62        32      1     26      213
                 stations/ Locations.
                 No. of stations/
             2                                 12         4         0       0      1      17
                 Locations with Mini IPS.
                 No. of IB Huts provided
             3                                  32        19        0       0      0      51
                 with Mini IPS.
                 No. of LCs provided with
             4                                  32        9         9       1      0      51
                 Mini IPS.
                 No. of Auto sections
             5                                  0         3         0       0      0       3
                 provided with Mini IPS.
                 No. of Major IPS at Auto                                                        AG 2- 2, AG
             6                                  0         6         0       0      0       6
                 Goomty with Major IPS.                                                          3-2, AG 4- 2
                 No. of block sections                                                           118 Block
             7                                  50        31        20      0     17      118    sections
                 with BPAC
                                                                                                 proved out of

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