Page 195 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 195

               Sl                        Total     Categ
              No          Asset         stations     ory                 Station Name                   Cat
                                                    NSG4     RDM                                 6
                                                    NSG5     BPA                                 5
                                                    NSG5     SKZR                                7
              NSG:Non Sub-Urban Grade,SG:Sub urban Grade, NC:Non-Categorized.
              Work proposed under umbrella for providing PA system at balance 41 NSG-6 stations as per
              MEA.  Work  sanctioned  and  to  be  executed  by  NED  division.  Tender  document  under
              preparation by NED division.
                     TOTAL      NSG-1  NSG-2  NSG-3           NSG-     NSG-       NSG-6         SG-3
                   STATIONS                                     4         5

                      131          1         1         4        9        25          79           12

             b. Performance Statistics :

                Signal Incidences:
                Overall failures recorded up to October 2022-23:1909

                Chargeable failures recorded upto September 2022-23 :941
                Note: As per the instructions of CRB, zero based failures is followed (No

                comparison  of  last  year  performance).  True  reporting  of  online
                failures, irrespective of Train detention is adopted.

                Telecom Control Circuit Efficiency:
                100%  control  communication  efficiency  has  been  achieved  up  to

                October  2022-23  against  the  target  to  99.50%  with  OFC  cable  of
                1608Kms and Quad cable of 1630Kms.

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