Page 200 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 200


                                                                  No. of    Adminis
                                                        No. of
                                               Total               posts     trative
            Sl.                                         posts
            No             Section              leng    propo    sanctio     approv           Remarks
                                                 th               ned by      al of
                                                                   HQrs     DRM/SC
                                                                                       1. Sent to CPO/SCR on
                                                                                       21.05.12 for obtaining
                 Creation of Posts for           69       20
             1   JPTN-MACU-VNUP                 Kms     posts        --         --     FA & CAO
                 (JPTN, RRPM & MACU)
                                                                                       2. CSTE/SCR has
                                                                                       approved for 18 posts.
                 Creation of Posts for
                 Mattampalli-                                                          1. Vetted for 22 posts
                 Janapahad                                                             by DFM/SC.
             2   (Mattampalli,                   18       26         --         --     2. Sent to CPO/SCR on
                                                                                       22.02.17 for obtaining
                 Raghapuram,                    Kms     posts                          FA & CAO
                 Janapahad&Vishnupur                                                   concurrence.
                 am (addl) )
                 Creation of posts for                                                 1. 17 posts vetting
                 New third line work,                                                  done by DFM/SC.
                 RGPM-MMZ.                      33.4      23                           2. Sent to CPO/SCR on
             3                                                       --         --
                 (Raghavapuram-                 Kms     posts                          22.02.17 for obtaining
                 MandamariExclPedda                                                    FA & CAO
                 mpet-Manichiryal)                                                     concurrence.

                 Creation of Posts in                                                  1. 52 Posts Vetting
                 connection with provision                                             done by DFM/SC
                 of MMTS Phase-II work          35.5      57                           2. Sent to CPO/SCR on
             4                                                       --         --
                 between TLPR-RCPH &            Kms     posts                          08.06.18 for obtaining
                 MLY’C’ Cabin-CHZ-GT                                                   FA & CAO
                 Sec.                                                                  concurrence.
                 New BG Non-electrified
                 single line between                                                   Out of 53, 24 posts

                 PDPL-NZB (for the                                                     have been
                 stations KRTL,MTPI,                                                   As the section is an

             5   MRTD ARMR)                               53        24          --     important section, the
                 New BG Non electrified                 posts      posts               remaining technical
                 single line between PDPL-                                             posts may also be got
                 NZB (for the stations                                                 sanctioned please.
                 GDRA, LPJL, Podur, Mallial                                            File with Sr. DPO/SC
                 and Nukapalli)

   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205