Page 64 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 64


               2.1. EFFICIENCY SHIELDS:
                       Secunderabad division has bagged 3 major efficiency shields out of 6 in
                      civil engineering department:
                             Overall efficiency shiled
                             Track shield

                             Track machine shield for the performance of the division in 21-22.

                   2.2.  LAYING OF 5 TWS AT HSJ  IN SINGLE DAY ON 13.11.2022

                          The work of laying TWS requires min 150min including S&T and OHE
                          works but it is very difficult to get 150min block at HSJ due to suburban
                          area along with three busy stations around i.e. SC, SNF and HYB. Due
                          to this reason it may only possible to get block on SUNDAYS. So it was
                          planned to do in single day only and completed in two split blocks
                          i.e. 0900hrs to 1130hrs (Point no 14 and 21B) and 1245hrs to 1445hrs
                          (Point no 21A, 20 and 22) on SUNDAY i.e. 13-11-2022.Our meticulous
                          planning and preparation to minute details enabled us to clear first
                          block in 1hr 45min and second block in 1hr 40min well ahead of given
                          traffic block time. This extraordinary work saved the loss of punctuality
                          of many trains and revenue to Railways.

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