Page 89 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 89

3.2.11. CRADDLE ARRANGEMENT IN BR.66 up & 620 up &Dn

                       The  existing  height  from  bed  level  to  bottom  of  girders  is  more  than
                       8.0m and in some of centre spans water flow is perennial and above all
                       clear gaps in between girders is less in the range of 100mm to 200mm
                       and is not feasible for the inspecting officials for inspection of bearings
                       thoroughly.  As  such  cradle  arrangement  for  inspection  of  bearings
                       surrounding the piers on both faces has been provided with reference
                       to  RDSO  report  BS  113  to  descend  from  pier  top  to  cradle  and  from

                       cradle  to  inside  path  way  provided  at  bottom  flange  level  for
                       inspection of cross frame and splice joint connections

                                     Br 66 up (25x18.3 )                  Br 66  up(25x18.3)

                                    Br 620 up   (10x18.29)

                        3.2.12.  SIDE PATHWAYS
                       Side pathways are provided to bridges all over the division, these are
                       considered as life savers to men working and inspecting on the bridge
                       and are most essential to avoid run over incidents .

                       Br.298 (7x61m)       Br.3 (10x3.66)      Br. 66(27x18.3)       Br.298 (7x61 m)

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