Page 23 - Harlem Shavuot Companion 2020
P. 23

Here is Judaism’s Lists of Seven (Let me know which ones I forgot):
                              1.  Seven days of Creation
                              2.  Says the word “good” seven times in creation narrative
                              3.  And mentions the word “earth” twenty-one times (3x7).
                              4.  The Seventh Day: Shabbos
                              5.  Seven Days before Circumcision before the child is ready.
                              6.  Seven Days of Joy and Celebration (Marriage)
                              7.  Seventy Nations and Seventy Faces to Torah
                              8.  Pharaoh's Dreams of Seven Cows and Seven Years of Famine
                              9.  The Seventh Day of Seventh Week: Shavuot
                              10. The Seventh Month: Tishrei-Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot
                              11. The Seventh Year: Shmita
                              12. Seventh Year of the Seven times Seven Years: Jubilee.
                              13. The Seven Pairs of Animals for Noah’s Ark in the Flood
                              14. Abraham and Isaac’s Seven Wells in Ba’er Sheva
                              15. The Menorah of the Temple: Seven candles
                              16. Seven Noahide Laws
                              17. Hebrew Slaves Seventh Year: Freedom
                              18. Seven Weeks from Pesach to Shavuot
                              19. Seven as measurement of time for purification.
                              20. Seven Represents Teshuva (Parashat Nitzavim)
                              21. Seven Weeks from Tisha B’av to Rosh HaShanah
                              22. Seven Weeks from Rosh Chodesh Elul to Hoshanah Rabbah
                              23. Kabbalistiic Sfirot - Seven primary forces
                              24. Seven Days of Sadness and Mourning (Death)

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