Page 25 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 25
I love the lyrics of Marc Bolan, Jimi Hendrix,
Nick Cave--people who feel deeply and give you
something to dream about.
(Joe Strummer, Circle Jerks) sign Polonsky to American Hello Jonny - Thank you
and John Zorn. The latter Recordings. for taking the time out to
invited him to play CBGB’s speak with us today. What
Gallery for the New Jewish Pol onsk y has al so pe r- is on today’s agenda for
Music Festival with his band formed on albums by Johnny you?
featuring Marc Ribot on Cash, Neil Diamond, Tom
guitar, Sebastian Steinberg Morello (Rage Against The At the moment I need to eat
(Soul Coughing) on bass, Machine), Pete Yorn, Dixie lunch. Some people would
and Sim Cain (Rollins Band) Chicks, Minnie Driver, and probably call it dinner, but
on drums. Reeves Gabrels‘ Donovan. I wanted to talk I got started late today.
introduction led to Frank with this man and stars
Black support, represen- aligned to that a few days
tation by Pixies manager ago. Today we present you
Ken Goes, and Frank Black an Interview with Jonny
producing a demo record- Polonski, all you have to
ing, which led iconic record do is sit comfortably and
producer Rick Rubin to enjoy it!