Page 28 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 28
protests, and all of the
endless madness happen-
ing in the world. Some of
those topics seeped into
the new songs. But I can
only talk about what I see
and how I feel about things.
I’m not good at proselytiz-
ing or shoving any kind of
a message down people’s
Anyway, I forced myself to
thrive under the lockdown
limitations. I definitely
took plenty of time to
VI. It was all overdubbed gratifying. watch movies and napand
after he had died. We were all that kind of stuff, but I
all together in the base- How has the past 9 gave myself a project and
ment of Rick Rubin’s home months of Covid-influenced forced myself to work on
studio in Hollywood playing limitations affected you it. Work can help you avoid
along to Johnny’s voice. We and your music? feelings of despair and
being Mike Campbell and helplessness, especially if
Benmont Tench of Tom Petty The first month or so, I was you love what you do.
and the Heartbr eakers, as freaked out as anyone.
Smokey Hormel of Tom It felt dangerous just to You toured Europe right
Waits and Beck, and Matt leave the house, you didn’t before the whole pandemic
Sweeney, who’s played in know if you were going to went into overdrive and
Zwan and in Iggy Pop’s be exposed to some life lockdowns were imposed
band with Josh Homme. threatening contagion. I across the globe. What do
just started writing and you love and miss about
It was a surr eal and recording, and that’s how touring and performing
amazing experience. I grew this most recent record live?
up listening to and loving came together. I did notice
Johnny Cash, so it was the creative process was I love performing live and
incredibly cool to play on way slower for me than especially love touring. I
about 60 songs of his (they usual. Things that normally just really enjoy meeting
only released about 25 of might take a couple days new people and being
the songs we recorded). took a few weeks, stuff exposed to new cities and
Getting back to your ques- like that. Just the stress of cultures and ways of living.
tion, I do love touring and what was happening in the It’s very inspiring to meet
performing live. I really world, with Covid, the elec- and engage with so many
enjoy playing in other peo- tion, all the crazy incidents different people, it’s just
ple’s bands, and I would do and protests in the summer. a good way to have an
it again if it came up, but I adventure. Playing music
really love making my own Like many people I was for people is the best. It
music, that feels the most deeply affected by the BLM makes me really happy.