Page 27 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 27

started messaging and hit              Sign In the Window was               Completely Surrounded by
       it off. Hong was a friend of           shot driving the streets             Love  was  directed  by  Julia
       a friend of a friend.                  of Chicago, and prancing             Sinelnikova. I just googled
                                              around in the freezing cold.         video directors in Brooklyn,
       These songs are a lot more             Both videos were very fun to         she was on the first page,
       high energy than Kingdom               make, but this one was def-          and I really liked some of
       of  Sleep,  though  there  are         initely more of a challenge—         the video installations she
       a few beautiful, dreamy                trying to lip synch while            had done. Again, totally
       tunes on it as well. I was             your teeth are chattering is         lucked out and she did an
       listening to a lot of Wipers,          a skill I hadn’t previously          awesome job; she directed,
       the classic punk band from             thought about acquiring.             filmed and edited the video.
       Portland, and I think that             There are bigger problems
       helped me be a bit more                in the world, but hey....            I really like it, it’s like a
       energetic and direct with                                                   Love  and  Rockets  video  or
       these songs.                           Paul Elledge directed both           something.
                                              videos. He is an old friend
       Can you tell us a bit about            from Chicago, we’ve been             There’s a  lyric video for
       your  latest  few  videos,             working together for 25              Summer Soldiers, the song
       which are quite attractive             years on album covers,               Jane Wiedlin sang on, and
       and cinematic?                         photos, videos. He is better         also a short commercial
                                              known as an incredible and           promo video for the album
       Kingdom of Sleep videos:               legendary photographer,              that I directed. Again, found
                                              but  he is  a brilliant video        a guy on upwork--Aleksan-
                                              director as well.                    dar Melov--, he lives some-
                                                                                   where in the Ukraine and
                                              Power and Greed and Money            did great job with both. The
                                              and Sex and Death videos:            internet man.....

                                                                                   I’m a child of the 80’s,
                                                                                   I grew up on MTV. I love
       Ghost Like Soul was filmed                                                  music videos. They’re really
       at  the  little  theatre  above                                             fun to make, I wanna do
       Metro, an awesome rock                                                      more. They’re just expen-
       club and longtime Chicago                                                   sive to make properly.
       scene hub, down the block
       from Wrigley Field. The                                                     You also toured for many
       l i t t l e  t h e a t r e  i s  r a r e l y   I directed the video for In   years with a whole array of
       used and has an amazing,               Between Worlds. I found              first-tier artists and worked
       decrepit glamour to it, like           all the news footage and             with many other top-notch
       something out of a David               came  up  with  the  general         acts, including Johnny Cash.
       Lynch film. There is an                concept of me “deliver-              Can you tell us about these
       actual ghost who lives in              ing  the  news”  on  a  CNN-         experiences?
       the theatre, as legend has             type station. Joseph Patrick
       it, but unfortunately we               Conroy filmed and edited             I never toured with Johnny
       had no paranormal activ-               it. He did a great job. I            Cash,  I played  on his last
       ity while we were there.               found him on              two records, American V and
                                              and lucked out.
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