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Shining Blossoms

                   Standing here, after all this time. It feels… God, I don’t even have the right words to
                   describe how it feels. It’s like a combination of happiness, excitement and pride. Even
                   though these last few months have been like hell, I have been able to manage it. Cause
                   there isn’t success without hard work.

                   It all started a few months ago… It was the first day of junior year. I was excited because
                   there was this new music teacher who apparently was an ex songwriter for famous
                   musicians or something and, what a chance, he was my homeroom teacher.

                   I entered my homeroom and sat down. When the teacher entered everyone was excited,
                   everyone but me. At that time I was feeling depressed. I loved music but I was going
                   through a breakup with my boyfriend Dylan, who was a guitarist, so that made me nearly
                   hate music. And my friends, they didn’t even ask if I was feeling fine. I guess they
                   supported my ex boyfriend because he was handsome and popular. ‘Is this seat empty?’ I
                   slipped from my thoughts and came back to reality. There was a face. A face I had never
                   seen before. It was soft and friendly. He must have noticed my vacancy he asked ‘Are
                   you okay?’. I said I was fine but he didn`t seem to be convinced. He said ‘If you say so.
                   I`m Jace, what`s your name?’ Jace had black hair, emerald green eyes and a happy smile,
                   the type of smile that makes even the most depressed person smile. He was always
                   cheerful and lively. ‘My name`s Layla.’ I said ‘Nice to meet you.’ I suddenly forgot all
                   about Dylan.

                   Then our new teacher introduced himself. His name was Mr. Greyson. He talked about
                   the singers he wrote songs for and told us about a big competition he`ll be organizing.
                   And the prize? A record deal with a record company he had been working for. At first I
                   didn`t want to enter but later that day I heard that Dylan wanted to enter it. And of course
                   knowing Dylan, he`ll do anything to win it. So I decided that I wanted to enter the
                   competition and win it.

                   When I went to the music room at lunch time, Mr. Greyson wasn`t there. Instead I saw
                   Jace scribbling stuff into his notebook. He didn`t realize that I was there. He finished
                   whatever he was doing and came out. I didn`t realize he was coming out when I decided
                   to go in and I bumped into him. His stack of papers flew everywhere. ‘I`m so sorry, let
                   me help you.’ I said and leant down to grab some of the papers. That was when I realized
                   that they were song lyrics. We put the papers back together and he said ‘Thank you,
                   Layla.’. His voice was so sweet and forgiving I couldn`t help but smile. Then he gave me
                   one of his “Jace smiles”. In that moment of pure happiness I asked him, ‘Would you like
                   to write a song for me? I mean for me to sing in the competition?’ He said ‘Okay.’ I
                   couldn`t believe what I had heard,’Like for real? You`re not joking?’ he said ‘No I`m not
                   joking. Anyway, I would like to write songs that could become famous.’. I wasn`t any
                   happier in my life so I kissed him on the cheek. He looked as surprised as I was. I
                   blushed and got bright red because of embarrassment but then he said ‘So when do we
                   start?’. I said ‘How about right now? I know the perfect place.’
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