Page 21 - Online magazine
P. 21

I took Jace to an old cherry tree in the campus. It was my special place where I used to
                   come when I wanted to be alone. The pink flowers of the tree were shining and the sun
                   made the grass glow. I said ‘It`s beautiful…’ and Jace said ‘I know.’. But he wasn`t
                   looking at the view, he was looking at me. The sun made my skin shimmer like
                   diamonds. When I realized that he was indeed looking at me I blushed, again. Then he
                   kissed me. I liked it, I liked him. We started working on our song for the contest. We
                   named it “Shining Blossoms”.

                   The next few months came and went. I spent all my time with Jace. It wasn`t like
                   spending time with my old friends. For once I didn`t need to act. He liked me for who I
                   was. When the day of the competition came, I was both really excited and really nervous.
                   When I walked on the stage all eyes were on me. But then I spotted Jace in the audience
                   and he smiled at me. It was that moment when I stood up straight and brave. I started to
                   sing. After that the time passed so quickly. The song finished and I left the stage.

                   Two days later the company announced the winner… It was ME! I couldn`t believe I had
                   won. I was so happy. I went over to Jace`s place and gave him the big news. Of course he
                   smiled. He smiled one of his “Jace smiles”. I asked him if he wanted to come to the
                   recording studio with me. I wouldn`t want anybody else. He agreed.

                   Standing here, after all this time. It feels… God, I don’t even have the right words to
                   describe how it feels. It’s like a combination of happiness, excitement and pride. Even
                   though these last few months have been like hell, I have been able to manage it. Cause
                   there isn’t success without hard work. The most important of all, having Jace here
                   with me has been the best feeling ever.

                                                                             Maya KOSOVA 8F
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