Page 26 - Caribbean-Central America Profile 2018
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                                       CARIBBEAN-CENTRAL AMERICA PROFILE 2018

                         MAJOR TRADE ARRANGEMENTS

        CARIBBEAN BASIN INITIATIVE (CBI)       sales subsidiary of a U.S. export company   The  Act provides for more flexible sourcing
        The Caribbean  Basin Initiative  (CBI) is   in a CBI country and allows the organizer to   alternatives  than  the  CBTPA  and  has the
        a broad program to promote economic    receive U.S. tax benefits.         potential  to improve  the competitiveness  of
        development  through private  sector initiative   On a biennial  basis, the  United  States  Trade   Haitian  manufacturers by allowing  the use
        in Central American and Caribbean countries.   Representative (USTR) is required to submit a   of lower cost raw materials,  a primary  cost
        A major goal of the CBI is to expand foreign   report to Congress regarding the results of the   component in the production of apparel.
        and domestic  investment  in nontraditional   general review of CBI beneficiary countries
        sectors, thereby  diversifying  CBI country   and their performance under the CBI eligibility   On September 30, 2008, HOPE II entered into
        economies  and  expanding  their  exports.  The   criteria.  This  Report  provides  an important   force for a period of 10 years. The HOPE Act
        Caribbean Basin Economic  Recovery  Act of   opportunity  to evaluate  the  effects  of these   as amended (Section  213a of the CBERA)
        1983 (CBERA) (amended  in  1990) and  the                                 provides for apparel imports from Haiti to enter
        Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act of 2000   expansions of CBI trade preferences  the United States duty-free if the “applicable
        (CBTPA), collectively known as CBI, provides   Beneficiary Countries:     percentage” of the value of inputs and/or costs
        customs duty-free entry to the United States on   •  Antigua and Barbuda
        a permanent basis for a broad range of products   •  Aruba                of processing is met  from any combination
        from CBI beneficiary countries. The CBTPA is   •  The Bahamas             of Haiti,  United  States,  U.S. FTA or regional
        scheduled to expire on September 30, 2020.  •  Barbados                   preference program partner countries.
                                             •  Belize
        The major elements  of the CBI program                                    The  HOPE  Act as amended  also provides
        available to all CBI beneficiary countries are:  •  The British Virgin Islands  duty-free treatment  for certain apparel
        •  Duty-free entry to the United States for a wide   •  Costa Rica        articles  if imported directly  from Haiti  or the
          range of products grown and manufactured in   •  Dominica               Dominican  Republic,  provided that Haiti  and
                                             •  The Dominican Republic
          CBI countries as an incentive for investment                            the  Dominican  Republic develop procedures
          and expanded export production, and other   •  El Salvador              to prevent transshipment. Additionally, the Act
          special tariff statuses.           •  Grenada                           allows duty-free treatment for any apparel article
        •  CBI Textile  Program: Under the CBTPA,   •  Guatemala                  classifiable under heading 6212.10 of the HTS,
          apparel  manufactured  in  eligible  CBI   •  Guyana
          countries from U.S. yarns and fabric, as well   •  Haiti                if the article is both cut and sewn or otherwise
          as non-textile products excluded from earlier   •  Honduras             assembled in Haiti or the U.S., or both without
          CBI legislation, will enter the United States   •  Jamaica              regard to the source of the fabric or components
          free of quota and duty.            •  Montserrat                        from which the article  is made. Finally, the
        •  CBI Government Procurement: National   •  The Netherlands Antilles     HOPE Act as amended allows automotive wire
          treatment for producers in CBI countries in   •  Nicaragua              harnesses imported from Haiti that  contain  at
          bidding for certain types of U.S. Government   •  Panama                least 50 percent by value of materials produced
          procurement opportunities.         •  St. Kitts and Nevis               in Haiti, the United States, or U.S.-FTA partner
        •  Exemption  for CBI exports to the United   •  St. Lucia                or regional  preference  program  beneficiary
          States from U.S. Import Merchandise   •  St. Vincent and the Grenadines   countries  to qualify  for duty-free  treatment.
          Processing Fees, a fee based on a percent of   •  Trinidad and Tobago
          value-based  customs  duty  surcharge  levied   HAITIAN HEMISPHERIC     The HOPE Act as amended also establishes an
          on incoming  goods to  cover  costs of U.S.                             International  Labor Organization  monitoring
          Customs operations.                OPPORTUNITY THROUGH                  program, and requires the President to establish
        •  A wide range of U.S. Government, state   PARTNERSHIP ENCOURAGEMENT     certain  procedures to monitor  Haiti’s and
          government,  and  private  sector  business   ACT (HHOPE)               individual  producers’ compliance  with the
          development  programs,  including  trade  and   The  2006 Haitian  Hemispheric  Opportunity   eligibility criteria.
          investment  financing, business missions,   through Partnership Encouragement (HHOPE)
          and technical  assistance programs partially   Act, which was signed into law on December  CARIBCAN
          supported  through  U.S. foreign  economic   20, 2006 and became effective March 20, 2007,   The Caribbean Canada  Trade  Agreement
          assistance.                        was designed to support development  and   (CARIBCAN) was established between Canada
                                             employment  growth  in  Haiti.  The  HOPE Act   and  the  Commonwealth  Caribbean  countries
        For CBI beneficiary countries that have signed
                                             provides expanded trade benefits beyond what   in  1986 to  provide  one-way  duty-free  access
        a Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA)
                                             the country receives under the Caribbean Basin   into the Canadian market for commodities that
        with the United States, the following initiatives
                                             Trade  Partnership  Act (CBTPA), extending   satisfy certain rules of origin requirements. The
        are also available:
        •  CBI  Convention Tourism Tax  Credit: A   duty-free treatment to U.S. imports of knit and   CARIBCAN is nonreciprocal in nature, which
          deduction on U.S. taxes for companies that hold   woven apparel assembled in Haiti from the U.S.,   means that Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
          business conventions in an eligible country.   Haitian, or global inputs, subject to eligibility   countries can export to Canada duty free, but a
        •  Foreign Sales Corporation  status, which   requirements,  and in  most cases, value-added   tariff is imposed on Canadian goods entering the
          enables  the establishment  of a specialized   content requirements.    Caribbean.

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