Page 28 - Caribbean-Central America Profile 2018
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                                       CARIBBEAN-CENTRAL AMERICA PROFILE 2018

                                           TRADING BLOCS

        THE CENTRAL AMERICAN                 Guyana, Haiti,  Jamaica,  Montserrat, St. Kitts   •  To promote co-operation among the Member
        COMMON MARKET (CACM)                 and Nevis, St. Lucia, St.  Vincent and the   States and to defend their sovereignty,
        The  General  Treaty  on Central  American   Grenadines,  Suriname,  Trinidad  and  Tobago.   territorial integrity and independence.
        Economic Integration was signed by El   Associate Members: Anguilla, Bermuda, British   •  To assist the Member States in the realisation
        Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua   Virgin  Islands, Cayman  Islands,  Turks and   of their obligations and responsibilities to the
        on December 13, 1960. They were later joined   Caicos Islands.              international community with due regard  to
        by Costa Rica, securing the participation of all                            the role of international law as a standard of
                                                                                    conduct in their relationships.
        five countries in the treaty, which provides the   The  Caribbean  Community  was established   •  To establish and maintain wherever possible
                                             in 1973 under the Treaty of Chaguaramas and
        basis for the Central American Common Market.   replaced the former Caribbean Free  Trade   arrangements for joint overseas representation
        Trade and investment  agreements  currently                                 and common services.
        exist with Colombia, Mexico and  Venezuela   Association (CARIFTA). CARICOM’s primary   •  To promote economic integration among the
        (G-3). Entities responsible for direction and   mandate is to provide a framework for regional   member states.
        administration of the CACM include the Central   political  and economic  integration  among  its   •  To pursue these  by discussion of questions
                                             fourteen  Caribbean  Member  States. Recent
        American  Economic  Council,  the  Executive   efforts  have  focused  on adopting  measures  to   of common concern and by  agreement  on
        Council,  and  SIECA. CACM countries  have                                  common action.
        undertaken  a  series  of  efforts  focused  on   make the region more competitive and increase   The functions of the Organisation are
        furthering  the  region’s integration  process,   access to new markets and trading blocs.  accomplished through its principal institutions,
        including  the  implementation  of the  Central                           which  include  The  Authority  (Heads of
        American  Common  External  Tariff (CET).  THE ORGANISATION OF EASTERN    Government),  the Central  Secretariat,  and
        In 1995 the members of the CACM agreed to  CARIBBEAN STATES (OECS)        Committees  dealing  with Foreign  Affairs,
        reduce the CET to 0 to15 percent, but allowed   The  Organisation of Eastern  Caribbean  States   Defence and Security, Economic  Affairs, and
        each member country to determine the timing   was established in July 1981, superseding the   Legal Affairs. The OECS is dismantling trade
        of changes.                          West Indies Associated States. Members include   barriers among its members and working towards
                                             Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin   the goal of becoming a Single Market. The group
        CARICOM                              Islands, Dominica,  Grenada, Montserrat, St.   has adopted  an export-led  industrialisation
        Members: Antigua & Barbuda, The Bahamas   Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the   strategy and has established  joint  diplomatic
        (Member of the Community, not the Common   Grenadines. The major role of the Organisation is:  representation in London, Brussels and Ottawa,
        Market), Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada,                             and cooperative representation in Washington.

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