Page 136 - DONE FIVE
P. 136

the number 54 of Wil hahn had a lackluster jump to begin the first race of the 450 festivities. Being shuffled to mid-pack as he was, allowed the leaders to attack the track while Wilbur was stuck in traffic. sitting in eighth position at the end of lap two, Wil had no
time to waist if he wanted a direct ticket to the main event. Sliding by Christophe Pourcel, Wil then set his sights on a limping Mike Alessi. With a swift pivot in the left bowl turn after the initial rhythm section, Wil moved past the number 800. Not to be complacent, Hahn had the drive to seat bounce the triple following the whoop section, and take a spot from JGR’s Phil Nicoletti. Although he inched close to Honda’s Cole Seely in fourth in the closing laps, he fell short and had to be placed in the semi.
The small stature of Wil Hahn was definitely favored with the hefty start stretch. Crisply clicking off each gear,
he narrowly edged the field around turn one to take the holeshot. It wouldn’t be held for long though, as a mistake in the second rhythm lane dropped him into a battle with Jake Weimer for the runner-up position. Persevering past the RCH rider, Wil settled into a pace and ran comfortably in the number two spot. Trailing only Justin Brayton, Wil completed a clean final lap and finished second, heading to the main event.

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