P. 52

With many of these riders, recently getting off the automatic machines, or possibly even juggling the two, the whirlwind of thoughts running their mind could create a serious cloud of mental commotion. Not only are they now wondering what gear to start in, but when to shift up for certain jumps; how often do I use the clutch? Do I have to grab the lever when tapping the rear brake in the air? All of this, for someone ranging from the ages of 7-9, is truly unfathomable at times. Couple that, with the amount of speed these guys possess, and you must give respect where it’s due; as all of these riders deserve the proper recognition. However, there were a few that seemed to rise above the rest, rides such as Kade Johnson, Luke Fauser, and Drew Adams. For the first
52 MPG • JANUARY • 2017

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