P. 50

MPG • JANUARY • 2017
COLLIN ALLEN / Motocross
You think of the state of Texas, and the amount of battles this state has faced; and specifically, the amount of hero’s that have been produced within those borders. Marcus Luttrell, Chris Kyle, the list goes on and on, with men who’ve stepped up and were willing to give it all in their respective areas of expertise. It’s translated to sports as well, as you think of all the storied franchises that have come from one of America’s most well known territories, for instance the Dallas Cowboys. It’s as though greatness translates through all activi-
ties, and one young man in particular has truly embodied this notion; he goes by the name of Collin Allen, and he wanted to leave the pride of his state, branded into the memory of all, in regards to the 2017 Winter Olympics. However, he was going to have to deal with riders such as Daxton Bennick, and Casey Cochran, who had his number early on in the first moto. Bennick, a well-known name on the
65 (10-11) Limited

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