Page 75 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 75
be rejected.
be embarrassed.
and many, many more. Scrutinized closely, these fears are honey-coated
derivatives of a very, very ominous and powerful gremlin myth:
If you do not do things your gremlin’s way, you will end up alone
and/or in severe physical or emotional pain and/or dead.
Your gremlin is not the cute little character he may at first appear to be.
He’s not fooling around. Remember the good news, however. You can
render him entirely impotent as you practice the Gremlin-Taming Method:
Simply Notice
Choose and Play with Options
Be in Process
I hope that you will not give yourself the rule that you should change
old habits. A new rule is no more than a new habit. Adopt a spirit of
adventure. Experiment with change once in a while if you want, but more
importantly, simply notice your habitual behavior patterns for responding to
your emotions, people, and circumstances. These habits are based on