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Newly Discovered Innocent Sounding Words That Make Her Want To Fuck You Before You
                                                            Even Kiss!

                                      “Amazing New $9.95 Report

                                  Reveals Exactly What To Say To

                                 Make Her So Horny She Won’t Be

                                 Able To Control Her Desire To Get

                                                  You In To Bed.”

                                 “For women the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-
                                  spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is
                                                     wasting his time.”

                                     – Isabel Allende, national prize winning author

                                                    Hey, it’s Isabella.

                                                    And I’m about to share something with you that’s incredibly

                                                    I’m going to share innocent sounding (and very common) words
                                                    you can whisper into a girl’s ear, send her via text message, or
                                                    even write in an email that will practically force her to drop her
                                                    panties and slide right onto your hard cock.

                                                    No, this is not a joke.

                               There are actually certain words that you use every day which, when said in a very specific
                               way, will force women to imagine having sex with you.
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