Page 4 - Innocent Sounding Words That Make Her Horny PDF Book Download FREE DOC
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And the more she feels she has “permission” to let her dirty side out, the harder it’s going to
                               be for her to keep it suppressed.

                                 “A woman’s orgasm is such a fragile thing, dependant

                                       as much upon her mind as on her clitoris.”
                                   – Megan Hart, 6-time bestselling author of erotic

                               Have you ever been so turned on and excited that you knew the slightest touch would make
                               you cum?

                               This is the exact same effect your words are about to have on her.

                               Each time you use these innocent sounding words, she’ll become increasingly hornier.

                               Which means that just by using them a few times in normal casual conversation, you’ll be
                               able to make her so incredibly hot and bothered that she won’t be able to resist her sexual
                               cravings for you.

                               This also means that from this point on, she’s going to associate you with that incredible
                               sexual excitement women simply can’t get enough of.

                               So you can bet she’s going to be coming back for more, again and again.

                               Imagine how much fun you’re going to have when you’re just sitting at home watching tv on
                               the couch and just decide to pick up your phone and send an innocent sounding text
                               message to a girl, knowing that in the next few minutes she’s going to be begging to come
                               over and fuck your brains out.

                                  “When a woman is aroused, the

                                  neural pathways connecting the

                                   vagina to the brain release the

                                 “feel-good” chemicals dopamine

                               and oxytocin, which create a sense

                                      of well-being and sexuality.”

                                 – Naomi Wolf, Best selling author

                                             and political advisor

                               Now you may be wondering just what these innocent sounding words are as well as how and
                               when to use them most effectively.

                               Well, I’ve got some great news for you.

                               I have taken all of these words along with dozens of examples that show you exactly how to
                               use them in normal conversations and even text messages…
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