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Before I can share these incredible words with you, you need to understand a tiny bit of how
                               and why this works so well.

                               Men are very visual creatures.

                               You get turned on by what you see.

                               This is why porn videos are shot the way they are.

                               The director knows you want to see the naked women from every angle.

                               Women, on the other hand, become turned on through their imagination.

                               This is why literotica books, such as 50 Shades Of Grey, are such huge sellers.

                               They make the women imagine these sexual scenarios.

                               And when you use your words to paint these kinds of pictures in her mind, she won’t be able
                               to help but to imagine having sex with you.

                                       “The most powerful sex organ is the brain.”
                                – Sarah Strohmeyer, award-winning American novelist

                                   These Words Will Unleash Her

                                                     Inner Freak

                                As you may already know, all
                               women have an inner naughty
                               side just waiting to be brought

                               Even in the most introverted,
                               shy, and repressed woman lives
                               a bad girl who’s just dying to
                               have a little dirty fun.

                               She’s just waiting for the right guy to bring it out of her.

                               And when you use these simple, innocent sounding words, you’re basically encouraging her
                               brain to let her dirty side come out.
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