Page 16 - Labor_Code_of_the_Philippines_2016_fulltext_DOLE-Edition
P. 16

the regional offices of the Bureau of Employment Services, if so authorized by the
        Minister  of  Labor  as  provided  in  this  Article,  shall  be  appealable  to  the  National
        Labor  Relations  Commission  upon  the  same  grounds  provided  in  Article  223
        hereof. The decisions of the National Labor Relations Commission shall be final and

            (c) The Minister of Labor shall have the power to impose and collect fees based
        on rates recommended by the Bureau of Employment Services. Such fees shall be
        deposited in the National Treasury as a special account of the General Fund, for the
        promotion of the objectives of the Bureau of Employment Services, subject to the
        provisions of Section 40 of Presidential Decree No. 1177.

            ART. 16. Private Recruitment.   Except as provided in Chapter II of this Title, no
        person  or  entity  other  than  the  public  employment  offices,  shall  engage  in  the
        recruitment and placement of workers.

            ART.  17.  Overseas  Employment  Development  Board.     An  Overseas
        Employment  Development  Board  is  hereby  created  to  undertake,  in  cooperation
        with relevant entities and agencies, a systematic program for overseas employment
        of Filipino workers in excess of domestic needs and to protect their rights to fair and
        equitable employment practices. It shall have the power and duty:

            1.  To  promote  the  overseas  employment  of  Filipino  workers  through  a
        comprehensive market promotion and development program;

            Now renumbered as Art. 229 (Appeal).

            Paragraph (b) of Art. 15 was superseded by E.O. No. 797 (1982), Sec. 4 of
        and exclusive jurisdiction over all cases, including money claims, involving employer-employee relations arising out of or by virtue of any law or contract involving Filipino workers for

            P.D. No. 1177,  Revising the Budget Process in Order to Institutionalize the Budgetary Innovations of the New Society

          16  The functions of the Overseas Employment Development Board (OEDB) are now being undertaken by the POEA. These, as provided for in Sec. 3 of EO No. 247 Reorganizing the
                                        (a) Regulate private sector participation in the recruitment and overseas placement of workers by setting
        up a licensing and registration system; (b) Formulate and implement, in coordination with appropriate entities concerned, when necessary, a system for promoting and monitoring the
        overseas  employment  of  Filipino  workers  taking  into  consideration  their  welfare  and  the  domestic  manpower  requirements;  (c)  Protect  the  rights  of  Filipino  workers  for  overseas
        employment to fair and equitable recruitment and employment practices and ensure their welfare; (d) Exercise original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide [all claims arising out
        of an employer-employee relationship or by virtue of any law or contract involving Filipino workers for overseas employment including the disciplinary cases (Note: Sec. 10 of R.A. No.
        8042, "Migrant Workers Act of 1995,"  transferred the original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide money claims and cases involving overseas Filipino workers to the NLRC); and]
        all pre-employment cases which are administrative in character involving or arising out of violation or requirement laws, rules and regulations including money claims arising therefrom, or
        violation of the conditions for issuance of license or authority to recruit workers. All prohibited recruitment activities and practices which are penal in character as enumerated and defined
        under and by virtue of existing laws, shall be prosecuted in the regular courts in close coordination with the appropriate Departments and agencies concerned; (e) Maintain a registry of
        skills for overseas placement; (f) Recruit and place workers to service the requirements for trained and competent Filipino workers by foreign governments and their instrumentalities and
        such other employers as public interest may require; (g) Promote the development of skills and careful selection of Filipino workers; (h) Undertake overseas market development activities
        for placement of Filipino workers; (i) Secure the best terms and conditions of employment of Filipino contract workers and ensure compliance therewith; (j) Promote and protect the well-
        being of Filipino workers overseas; (k) Develop and implement programs for the effective monitoring of returning contract workers, promoting their re-training and re-employment or their
        smooth re-integration into the mainstream of national economy in coordination with other government agencies [Note: This was modified by Sec. 17 of R.A. No. 8042.]; (l) Institute a
        system for ensuring fair and speedy disposition of cases involving violation or recruitment rules and regulations as well as violation of terms and conditions of overseas employment; (m)
        Establish a system for speedy and efficient enforcement of decisions laid down through the exercise of its adjudicatory function [Note: Sec. 10 of R.A. No. 8042   -
        judicial functions.];  (n) Establish and maintain close relationship and enter into joint projects with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippine Tourism Authority,  Manila International
        Airport Authority, Department of Justice, Department of Budget and Management and other relevant government entities, in the pursuit of its objectives. The Administration shall also
        establish and maintain joint projects with private organizations, domestic or foreign, in the furtherance of its objectives [Note: Paragraph (n) should be read together with the provisions of
        R.A. No. 8042. The functions previously exercised by Philippine Tourism Authority are now performed by the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) pursuant to R.A.
        No. 9593 Tourism Act of 2009
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