Page 37 - DN Press Final NIQC
P. 37

Quality Excellence

                                                                         Platinum Winner

                                                                    Xiaomi Technology

                                                              India Private Limited

                                             “Very happy to share that Mi India has won the Quality
                                         Excellence Award for Six Sigma initiatives by DN Incorporation,
                                     reflecting our dedication to one of the three pillars of Mi's philosophy -
                                  Highest Quality. We immerged the winners out of 450+ entries received
                              by DN Incorporation.

                        What makes it more special & unique is that after starting with a small team of 2
                      members in 2019, we have now identified & trained over 20 people across multiple
                   functions to drive the importance of quality culture deep into the organization. We
                have achieved this transformation through process excellence which showcases our
              determination to attain customer satisfaction.”

          This is the note Xiaomi had put up with Exhilaration on its LinkedIn page after winning the
        prestigious Quality Excellence Platinum Award as part of the DN Business Excellence Awards
      conducted by DN Incorporation.

     Xiaomi had been part of the NIQC corporate programme to encourage and develop recognition for
     Six Sigma in corporates and to enable training on six sigma concepts from grass root levels. NIQC
     helped train more than 20 people in the various concepts of six sigma which the organisation has
     thence put to good use by driving quality projects.

     This team's dedication towards driving quality and its leadership's keen foresightedness in helping
     the organisation set up a quality team to study and lead projects which would give it a great impact
     in terms of reducing defects and improving performance while streamlining costs is what decided
     the Judges in their favour.

     The team was very happy to receive the awards and we had Mr. Ram a senior leader from Xiaomi
     coming forward to receive the award and also address the audience on the significance of quality in
     today's world and how they had started driving the same at Xiaomi.

     Kudos to the team and the organisation for this great award and we are sure they are going to make
     winning a habit.

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