Page 303 - Constructing Craft
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                  Barbara Brookes, ‘Nostalgia for ‘Innocent Homely Pleasures: The 1964 New Zealand Controversy
               over Washday at the Pa’, in Barbara Brookes, ed., At Home in New Zealand: Houses, History, People,
               Wellington, 2000, pp.256 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 24 cm, p.210.
                  ibid., pp.212 - 3.
                  For an overview of pre-Second World War Māori culture see Ranginui Walker, Ka Whawhai Tonu
               Mätou: Struggle without End, Revised edn, Auckland, 2004, pp.188 - 91.
                  A. P. Godber, 'Maori Carving: Revival of an Ancient Art', The New Zealand Railways Magazine,, 9,
               7 October 1, 1934, p.39.
                  E. G. Schwimmer, 'Building Art in the Maori Tradition: John Taiapa and the Craved Meeting House
               of Today', Te Ao Hou, 28, September, 1959, p.32.
                  Geri Thomas, ed., Bone, Stone, Shell: New Jewellery, New Zealand, Wellington, 1988, pp.[58] p. :
               ill. (some col.), map, ports. ; 24 cm.
               49  Anne Salmond, Hui: A Study of Maori Ceremonial Gatherings, Auckland, 1990, p.68.
                  Katherine Vernon, 'Crafts: Relative Media', New Zealand Home and Building, Oct / Nov 1990, p.13.
                  'New Zealand Potters 5th Exhibition',  Christchurch, 1961, p.1.

               2. Early Craftspeople

                 Robert A. Stebbins, Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time, New Brunswick, 2006, p.5.
                 Elizabeth Lissaman, 'Looking Back over Sixty Years Potting ', New Zealand Potter, 23, 2 23:2, 1981,
               p.33. See also Moyra Elliott and Damian Skinner, Cone Ten Down: Studio Pottery in New Zealand,
               1945 - 1980, Auckland, 2009, p.31.
                 T. L. Rodney Wilson, ‘Foreword’ in Angela Lassig and Lyndsay Fenwick, eds, The Mulvany Sisters:
               Weaving & Other Adventures, Auckland, 1999, p.xii.
                 For example Peter Cape gave 48% of his book Please Touch to pottery, weaving and jewellery and
               6% to what he called ‘the humble arts’ - woodwork, furniture making, leatherworking, cane-work, bone
               carving, musical instruments and others. See Peter Cape, Please Touch. A Survey of the Three-
               Dimensional Arts in New Zealand, Auckland, 1980, pp.66-150.
                 For instance, see Heather Nicholson, The Loving Stitch: A History of Knitting and Spinning in New
               Zealand, Auckland, 1998.
                 Jane Clifton, 'Sew What!', New Zealand Listener, 9  ‒ 15 August 2008, p.21.
                 Pollen, Daniel (1813–96), 3 vols., vol. 2, The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, 1966, pp.814-5. Pollen
               was Premier of New Zealand between July 1875 and February 1876. See Daniel Pollen of Whau Flat,
               18 December 2008 2014; available at:
               whau-flat.html (3 April 2014)
                 David Reynolds and Sherry Reynolds, Wright, James - Biography, Dictionary of New Zealand
               Biography 1 September 2010; available at: (28 October 2011).
               9  Timaru Herald (Colonial Pottery Works), 20 December 1871, p.7.
                  ibid.(Colonial Pottery Works).
               11  D.J. & Lewis Sumpter, J.J. , Faith and Toil - the Story of Tokomairiro, Christchurch, 1949, p.101.
                  Southland Times (In Bankruptcy), 30 May 1883, p.3.
               13  Gail Lambert, Pottery in New Zealand: Commercial and Collectable, Auckland, 1985, p.114.
                  Gail Henry, New Zealand Pottery: Commercial and Collectable, Auckland, 1999, p.130.
               15  Elizabeth Lissaman, Pottery for Pleasure in Australia and New Zealand, Sydney, 1977.
                  Elizabeth Lissaman, 'Looking Back over Sixty Years Potting ', New Zealand Potter, 23, 2 1981,
                  Sandra Coney in Charlotte Macdonald, Merimeri Penfold, and Bridget Williams, eds, The Book of
               New Zealand Women. Ko Kui Ma Te Kaupapa, Wellington, 1991, p.331.
                  Olive Jones, 'Olive Jones Pioneer Potter', New Zealand Potter, 20, 1, Spring 1978. See also Sandra
               Coney in Macdonald, Penfold, and Williams, eds, pp.331 - 34.
                  John Parker, 'The Pioneers: Olive Jones, 1890 - 1990.', New Zealand Potter, 37, 3 37:3, December
               1995, p.11. Olive Jones died on 26 December, 1982.
                  Henry, p.107.
                  ibid., p.106. See also Fiona  McKergow, Gardner, Maria Louisa 1879 - 1968 22 June 2007;
               available at: (28 August 2008)and B. Gardner, 'My Personal Work', Auckland
               - Waikato Historical Journal, 44, April, 1984, p.11.
                  Dick Scott, Fire on the Clay: The Pakeha Comes to West Auckland, Auckland, 1979, p.153.
                  Moira Vincentelli, ‘Potters in the 1920s: Contemporary Criticism in Gillian Elinor, et al., eds, Women
               and Craft, London, 1987, p.75.
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