Page 299 - Constructing Craft
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asserted their pre-eminent position as New Zealand’s first craftspeople by taking

               control of their traditional designs – endorsing Pākehā craftspeople who
               demonstrated an affinity with them – or adapting them in the new art-oriented

               environment.  Both women and Māori had to adapt if they wished to be part of the art
               world and both found old and new ideas caused conflict. Individual women often had

               to mimic or embrace the more individualistic approach that craft artists took to their
               work and Māori had to be cognisant of their craft heritage and traditional methods

               when working with new ideas and non-traditional materials.

               Symbolically, the conflicts that afflicted the craft world were played out through the

               CCNZ. In the 1980s the tertiary trained graduates of the new craft design courses

               were the heirs to a craft movement that had been creatively rewarding and financially
               lucrative for the preceding generation of craftspeople. The CCNZ had been

               established by people who had accumulated financial and cultural capital. But there
               were signs that the CCNZ was unsure about where the future of craft would be

               located in the new environment. Initially, the CCNZ embarked on a policy that
               appeared to support the founders’ economic position through advice on technical

               matters and the marketing of craft. However, the CCNZ also believed it had a role in

               enhancing the cultural status of craftspeople. To achieve this it began to arbitrate
               different levels of craft which were directed at elevating craft art to a ‘higher realm’.

               However, as the American craft writer, Bruce Metcalf, observed:
                        By  nature  craft  looks backwards,  which  [in  1993]  is  no  longer
                        supposed  to  be  a  virtue.  But  all  its  ancient  usages  provide  a
                        sourcebook from which craft can clarify its essential distinction
                        from  fine  art.  Once  that  is  done,  craft  can  develop  its  own
                        conceptual approach.

               He also advised craftspeople to avoid trying to enter the art world: ‘Assimilation into
               art is deadly to craft and should be avoided.’  But by the time he wrote this it was too
               late. Craftspeople had to decide if they wanted to become part of this new dominant
               group – as craft artists ‒ or remain simple craftspeople and possibly slide back into

               the ‘trades’. If they chose the former they had to accept the rules of the art world. If

               they chose the latter they looked to the past and a doubtful future.

                                                                          Constructing Craft
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