Page 296 - Constructing Craft
P. 296

Chapter Sixteen: What went wrong?

               The New Zealand studio craft movement emerged from the worlds of art and industry

               in the late 1940s and the 1950s. The movement began like many others – a long

               period of growth and maturation – but it experienced a decline more sudden and
               dramatic than most others. The craftspeople involved initially demonstrated many

               characteristics that are associated with new movements, such as a sense of unity
               forged through shared learning and a sense of discovery. However, by 1992, all

               pretence of unity had largely disappeared and the movement became divided along
               the fissures that had always existed, even when they appeared to have become

               irrelevant in the minds of some or not existed at all in the minds of others.

               I was a part of the movement but was often puzzled by the conflicting constructions

               of craft I observed around me. In 1987 I took part in the New Zealand Society of
               Potters annual exhibition at the Sarjeant Gallery in Wanganui. The exhibition is

               discussed in Chapter Four. The reaction to the work on display in the exhibition

               seemed to encapsulate that dilemma faced by many craftspeople. One of the pieces
               of ‘ceramic art’ that was displayed was made by me and was employed as a

               metaphor by the reviewer, Joanna Paul.  In the review she expressed concern that
               the changing role of potters/ceramic artists was a failure of the craft ideal. The

               Gallery Director, Bill Millbank however, believed that the work in the exhibition was

               by then indistinguishable from art and praised potters/ceramic artists for successfully
               making the transition. Millbank and Paul appeared to be advocating two completely

               different roles for craftspeople. From within the craft movement, I was aware that the
               craft world was divided. Only a very small number of craft artists could exist solely on

               ‘one-off art pieces’, but these works boosted the status of the makers ‒ and
               increasingly this ‘cultural’ capital appeared to be as important as economic capital in

               the craft world I was a part of. I found myself straddling these two different worlds.

               When, in the words of the Australian potter and writer Janet Mansfield, ‘the craft

               movement proper started in the 1950s and 1960s’ the new generation of craftspeople
               began to think about the history of ‘their’ movement.  In New Zealand the people who
               first called themselves studio craftsmen and craftswomen considered the largely

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