Page 126 - Magazine 2022-intractive flip
P. 126

Rover was a spaniel clothed in black and       day when Appa was breaking a coconut, she
                white with rather short legs and a bushy tail.   jumped forward and………. To our misfortune
                He would be at your side always, except when   and her ill luck was hit and she collapsed!
                it was time for a bath. Then he would go into   Very bad days followed to compensate for the
                hiding  and  finally,  Cleo  would  find  him,   joy she gave us.
                shivering in the storeroom, as if someone
                                                               Tippu  was  a  tall  and  strong  character  -  a
                had already splashed cold water all over him.   police-trained pup who faithfully kept watch
                When I was about 13 years old, there was       for many years. He was feared by most of the
                heavy  rain  and  floods  in  my  hometown.    children who came to our house because of
                The roads were like lakes and water flowed     his size and bark. He was the last of the ‘tails’
                continuously from dawn to dusk. One            I knew as my pet in the house where I grew
                morning as Appa, Amma, my sister and I         up because I completed my studies and left
                stepped outside the gate to go to church,      for Ernakulam to take up the job of a junior
                we saw a white bundle on the slope leading     lecturer at St. Teresa’s College. I enjoyed
                to the road. On close scrutiny, we realised    my hostel life for the next six months but I
                it was a puppy; shivering and helplessly       missed my pets.
                limp. I insisted that we take him inside and   Life became busy after marriage when I had
                give him some warm milk. My Appa had to
                                                               to manage my career, family, children and
                oblige, and I carried him inside, wiped his
                                                               had to adjust to the hectic days in the Bank
                fluffy body and gave him some warm milk in
                                                               quarters, my husband’s transfers and finally
                a bowl which he lapped up immediately. He
                                                               succeeding in building a house of our own,
                remained with us and we called him ‘Fluffy’.
                                                               which we called ‘Sharon’. Since my husband
                My Appa would look daily in the newspapers     also loved pets, we had many of them and they
                to find out whether anyone had mentioned       grew  up  with  the  children  - ‘Pussma’  who
                that  their  dog  was  missing  because  Fluffy   came all the way from Ooty and who enjoyed
                had a collar around his neck  and we were      the world around her for 19 years until she
                sure that the floods had brought him to us.    was finally found guilty of snatching chicken
                Luckily no one came looking for him and he     from their perch or a tree nearby. The angry
                remained with us.                              owner planned to use an airgun on her but
                Years later, we lost Fluffy in an accident right   to her luck, she was taken away to safety by
                in front of our house when he ran onto the     my mom-in-law and she spent the rest of her
                road and was hit by a car. I cried bitterly    days with her.
                because we had become good friends and         I cannot forget ‘Kitty’, a loving mother who
                strangely enough we lost him close to where    had many kittens and I must mention Catty
                we found him!                                  who used to accompany us to the movies and
                As if to compensate for our great loss, we     watch  the screen  without  any distractions.
                got  a  kitten  who  was  all  hair,  white  and   Most of the viewers would comment on
                blue eyed. She was named ‘Fluffy’ after ‘the   her perch on one of our shoulders with
                dear departed’. Her bushy white tail and       eyes glued to the screen! Kitty will always
                blue eyes attracted everyone and while she     be  remembered  as the  mother  of  Tom  or
                reigned like a princess, Appa brought a small   Thomas, a handsome guy who was the
                puppy who was called ‘Tiny’ because she was    heartthrob of everyone. He and his son Tim
                forever tiny. She had only an apology of a tail   would climb the coconut tree to quite a height
                and when she felt very happy, her whole tiny   and scramble down carefully while everyone
                body would shake! What a pet she was! One      gasped at the manner in which they went up!
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