Page 19 - Mousy Mouse Has a Bad Day
P. 19
Mousy’s thinking surely affected her feelings and behavior. When she told herself she looked good, she felt great. Have you ever done that? We all like to look good but what does that really mean? I think it means to look as good as you can look. You may not have the best or newest of this or that but so what. Mousy had on her best dress and shoes. They were clean and her dress was ironed. She told herself the truth, “You look good.”
But then what happened? As soon as she saw someone with newer shoes or a newer dress, she started telling herself that she did not look good. In fact, she told herself that she looked terrible. Now that is some Stinky Thinking. I don’t think her friends wanted her to feel bad. They were just excited about their new stuff. But I guess you can tell from the story that Mousy was really in the habit of thinking Stinky. Unfortunately, this thinking not only made Mousy unhappy but some of her friends unhappy too.
1. What did she think about her appearance when she first left for school? How was she feeling?
2. After she met her friends, one with new shoes and one with a new striped dress, what was she thinking and how did that make her feel?
3. Because of what she was thinking, how did she treat her friend Jeff?