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straight.) 2.) If you were to try and drive every single street in Shenandoah at the recommended speed limit, my best guess puts it at 2 hours but probably more.
3.) Let’s assume you wanted a police officer to look at your house once every 2 hours (which is way too little to keep a burglar out - they are almost always in and out in 15 minutes or less). Since our $50/month pays for about 2 hours of patrol a day along with the new license plate camera installs and other stuff, we would have to increase property taxes 10x in order to pay for the additional patrols So, $500/year instead of $50 - and that just covers patrols, it wouldn’t speed up the license plate camera deployment or any of the other security measures being implemented. I know it seems harsh but security is difficult. Shenandoah Estates is not a gated community, we are not a single entrance subdivision, and we are definitely not small. That’s part of the charm of this area, it’s expansive but not ‘urban’. Security is expensive and it will take a long time to put the most basic security measures (cameras) at every in and out point in the subdivision - but I believe this is the end- goal of SECPID right now. With that, at least we can have a decent chance with a basic description of being able to hunt down suspects ‘after the fact’.
Gary Thibodeaux
, Shenandoah Estates·30m ago
A question to be asked at the meeting is “when are the extra patrols being run?” A point is that criminals are pretty hard to catch doing foul deads while dark. Po- lice are more after the act. So, I would imagine that the extra patrols are slated for daylight hours for speeding, stop signs and parking. Topics for discussion. Wish I could be there. Impossible, for reasons not to be men- tioned here.
“Muggings in Shenandoah”
Valerie Charlotte, Shenandoah Estates
Muggings in Shenandoah Monday afternoon FYI
Just in case some have not seen the other thread: There were 2 muggings (the sheriffs dept considers them “rob- beries”) yesterday afternoon. One was near Berryville and George O’Neal and about an hour later (6:15 pm- ish, according to sheriffs dept), another one near Mal- vern Hill and Wilderness. All witness accounts mention a light color older Altima (many specify light green), driven by a young black male with 2 other young black
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males. Sherriff dept wouldn’t tell me the status of the investigation which leads me to believe there has either not been an arrest or it is a minor. If anyone has further info, please do share. This makes me so angry to know that my teens are not even safe to ride their bikes to
the library anymore. I used to send them through the neighborhood because I thought it was safer than Jones Creek! We all need to look out for each other and be vigilant in noticing, observing, and reporting. http:// ging-in-shenandoah-neighborhood-monday-eveningSee more...
EBRSO: Victim mugged while walking in Shenandoah neighborhood Monday evening
BATON ROUGE - Deputies say a person was robbed at gunpoint while walking through a Baton Rouge neigh- borhood Monday.
3d ago · 63 neighborhoods in Crime & Safety Thank
Jamie Wise
, Hickory Ridge·3d ago
The newspaper report says that they took the person’s cell phone.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! These low life pieces of garbage held someone up at gunpoint for a frickin cell phone?!?... See more
Anna Shotwell
, O’Neal Place·3d ago
Thank you for sharing. How scary. I hope they catch who did this.
Valerie Charlotte
, Shenandoah Estates·3d ago
And in broad daylight with witnesses!!
Wayne Armstrong
, Shenandoah Estates·3d ago
Crooks have cars, they go anywhere.

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