Page 64 - Livro_Inglês
P. 64
José Paulo – Ideal Decision José Paulo – Ideal Decision
no matter how excellent the person was, we do not hire them. understand a little of what I want to say:
Before a doctor can identify an injury, an internal problem, It is an interesting tale that shows us that people make things
he usually asks for an “X-Ray”, because to the naked eye it is not happen and can change an environment. The author is unknown,
possible to make a diagnosis; it is superficial. It is necessary to look but the lesson shows us how important it is to have a good, positi-
through the tissues until the bones and detect the interior. ve, and enthusiastic mind. See it below:
I talk about the X-ray of the soul because I take great caution A traveler, upon arriving in the city, asks the wise man:
to establish a relationship with people. At the same time, they can — Sir, how is this town?
build good things and nourish the good day-to-day because it is
their essence, there are people who destroy things and contaminate — First, tell me, young traveler, how is the town you came from? — asks
others. That is why, prior to relating to someone or making busi- the wise man.
ness with them, try and get to know people by the fruits they bear — The city I came from is horrible, there are no opportunities, people are
and you will not have unpleasant surprises, or at least, will avoid rude, and I did not make any friends while I stayed there. For these reasons I
most of them. When I say fruits, I mean the deep analysis, the pro- am looking for a different city, a city that gives me opportunities, where I can be
fessional results they had, personal results, family behavior, thou- happy and successful.
ghts about living in society, values and principles that rule their — Our city is exactly like the city you came from! — answers the wise man.
lives. The main point is to analyze whether that person has left a
good legacy throughout his life, and I am not only talking about The traveler, much disappointed with the wise man’s answer, grabs his lugga-
material legacy, but what good that person has left for others. ge and goes away, in search of a different city from the city where he came from.
To make my view on good fruits clearer, I am talking about the About two hours later, another traveler arrives and, after being received by
good son, good husband, good father, good daughter, good wife, the old wise man, asks:
good mother, as well as the person who enters a company and — Hello! You, who live in this city for a long time can tell me. How is this
take roots and stays there for a long time developing his work. A city?
person who is good to their community, and who thinks about the The wise man asks the second traveler:
well-being of everyone. In other words, people who leave a good
impression and make good impacts in the world. — First, tell me, how is the town you came from?
When one is good in one’s essence you do not find one mut- — The city I come from is wonderful, I made many friends, and had excel-
tering and bleating, actually, this person will search for solutions lent employment and learning opportunities. Now I am looking for new challen-
and will, consequently, find success; and many times, this person ges, different learnings, new experiences, and new obstacles to overcome.
will do that quietly and happily, thinking about the greater good. Then, the wise man answers:
I will transcribe a tale by an unknown author below and you will
— Our city is exactly like the city you come from!
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