Page 14 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 14

The Universal Government of God                            13

           Grace Giving Us the Ability to Subject Ourselves to Government
            I love this last point: Grace gives us the ability to subject ourselves to
        government. At this point in the message, I sense that our God is giving all of
        us grace to subject ourselves to government. I mentioned in the fourth point
        that from the beginning God has been working, operating, to bring everything
        under His government. I want to end this opening word by reading some
        wonderful verses that prove this. 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, “Then the end,
        when He (Christ) delivers up the kingdom to His God and Father, once He
        has abolished all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until
        God puts all His enemies under His feet. Death, the last enemy, is being
        abolished. For He has subjected all things under His feet. But when He says
        all that things are subjected, it is evident that all things are except Him who
        has subjected all things to Him.  And when all things have been subjected to
        Him (Christ), then the Son Himself will also be subjected to Him who has
        subjected all things to Him, that God may be all in all.” All things are being
        subjected to the Lord, and He is subject to God Himself. This is the Lord’s
        move. But right now, as I am speaking this, the heavens are focused, not first
        on the political situations of countries, on the world economy, or on this and
        that. The focus of the reigning Christ is on the churches. He must get His way
        with us first. And brothers, the time is now.

                         OUR NEEDING TO COME TO
                   “KNOW THAT THE HEAVENS DO RULE”

            This section is based mainly on Daniel. We must come to “know that
        the heavens do rule”— not just believe, but know. We, brothers, often make
        a mistake that sisters do not make so often. We may just assume we know
        something, and it is not easy for us to be able to say in response to a question,
        “I don’t know.” We should have a little doubt at least for ourselves. Know
        that the heavens rule; it is real to us.
                    The Kingdom of the Heavens Being a Realm
                      Where the Heavens Exercise Authority
            The kingdom of the heavens is a realm where the heavens exercise
        authority. God rules and exercises authority from the heavens as His dwelling
        place. The Son of Man is on the throne. His eyes roam over the whole earth.
        He knows our every personal situation  thoroughly. He wills to exercise
        heavenly authority here and there, in this and in that. He is doing this now.
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