Page 17 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 17
The Universal Government of God 16
at chapter 3. Here Peter starts talking about this. He addresses the women,
the wives, saying, “What you need is a meek and quiet spirit. If you want
to gain your husband, it must be without a word; it is your manner of life”
(1 Pet. 3:1, 4). Then he says even more to the brothers, the husbands, “You
have to live with them according to knowledge” (v. 7a). It does not say love,
but knowledge. What is that? Of the female vessel, the weaker vessel, he
says, “Give honor to the weaker vessel, you are heirs together of the grace
of life; otherwise, your prayers will be hindered” (v. 7b). (We are all weak,
but she is weaker and that is why it says “weaker”.) This is a training, and I
am applying God’s government but not too heavily. Let me make this general
statement first. Only the Lord knows how many married couples have a
prayer ministry together as part of their married life. For them, it is just part
of their married life; they can pray in harmony at any time about anything.
I have no idea what the percentage is. My guess would be maybe about five
or nine percent. Because of what goes on in the level of the natural life and
the self, the prayers are hindered. In this matter, if we would live under the
government of God with its wonderful provision of life, grace, wisdom, and
understanding, then we can be enjoying one another in an affectionate way.
Then five minutes later I can say to my wife, “I am burdened that we pray
about this situation.” Then we just pray. This is just an illustration. We are
talking about something real and practical here.
The Subject of 2 Peter Being the Divine Provision and the Divine
Government, Showing Us that as God is Governing Us, He Supplies Us
with Whatever We Need
The subject of 2 Peter is the divine provision and the divine government,
showing us that as God is governing us, He supplies us with whatever we
need. Brothers, is this not precious? “Whatever we need!” I do not know
how you feel, but from time to time when I fellowship with the Lord, I like
to acknowledge and say, “Lord, actually, I really don’t know where I am and
what I need. You know what I need. I just ask that You care for me according
to Your understanding of what I need.” I have needs different from when I
was thirty-five and fifty years old, before and after I became a grandfather. I
have needs at every level. Actually, I find that I do not have to pray that much.
I just receive the supply to live under His government, and He takes care of
all the needs. What a government this is! You are going to hear a wonderful