Page 16 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 16

The Universal Government of God                            15

           As Those Who Have Been Chosen by God to Be His People for the
          Preeminence of Christ, Our Being under God’s Heavenly Rule; Our
          Needing to Realize this and Be Submissive to God’s Heavenly Rule
            As those  who have  been  chosen  by God to  be  His people  for the
        preeminence of Christ, we are under God’s heavenly rule; we need to realize
        this and be submissive to God’s heavenly rule. We were chosen by God to be
        His people. We are His people so that Christ may have the preeminence in
        any matter of our personal life, our human life, married life, family life, and
        church life. Any area where Christ does not have the first place yet is an area
        that needs God’s governmental rule. When I have a failure in this and that or
        make a mistake in this and that, the core reason, in this instance, is because
        I was not under the throne and in this matter, I was not under the rule. I need
        to confess not only the mistake I made and the reaction I had. It could be
        something elementary like having a quick reaction to my beloved wife. It may
        have been calm, but I did it. I have to realize that it is because Christ is not yet
        fully preeminent. We honor the heaven’s rule, receive the grace, and humble
        ourselves. I like to close my eyes and just dream a little bit that throughout the
        Philippines, Christ has the preeminence — in Luzon, the preeminence; in all
        the islands in Visayas, the preeminence; and in Mindanao, the preeminence.
        No matter, no thing, and no person has the preeminence but Christ Himself.

                     UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT OF GOD

            The Epistles of 1 and 2 Peter are on the universal government of God.
         The Subject of 1 Peter Being the Christian Life under the Government
         of God, Showing Us the Government of God Especially in His Dealings
                             with His Chosen People
            The subject  of 1 Peter is the Christian life under the government of
        God, showing us the government of God especially in His dealings with His
        chosen people. If you read through 1 Peter again from this point of view it
        will be quite enlightening. Everything Peter covers in this epistle is related
        to the Christian life under the government of God. Let me just ask you in a
        friendly, pleasant way. I am sure many of us have had to speak at wedding
        meetings. Have you ever given a message or fellowship at a wedding meeting
        that has as its subject “Married Life under the Government of God”? But look
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