Page 2 - March 2021 Newsletter
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Here at the Egyptian Theatre we love to Our monthly minimum costs to keep the lights
celebrate the 90+ years of history. This past year on and our organization operating, averages
has added a whole new chapter to the history of $ 25,000/MONTH
$ 25,000/MONTH. With little to no revenue
the Egyptian. A chapter we would have rather not since March 2020, we have been working hard
had to endure but hopefully one that will cement to apply for grants and fundraise to keep the
the resiliency and importance of the Egyptian for Egyptian Theatre alive through this pandemic.
generations to come.
March 12, 2020 our world was turned upside COVID 19 Relief Funding received to date:
down. That evening, Illinois Governor Pritzker PPP (round one) $50,967$50,967
announced public mitigation measures in $8,000
response to COVID-19 that caused us to have to SBA disaster assistance advance $8,000
close down. We were in the middle of the final SBA EIDL Loan
$150,000 (has to be paid back starting May 2021)
rehearsal for the Beth Fowler Dance Company’s $1 50,000 (has t o b e p aid bac k st ar ting Ma y 202 1)
production of The Wizard of Oz & Swan Lake. Landmarks Illinois COVID relief grant
They were scheduled to have four performances $2,000
that weekend. Those performances along with
many others were rescheduled or canceled. At Illinois Humanities COVID relief grant
the time, we all thought this would be a relatively $7 ,500
short inconvenience and we would be back to Northwestern Medicine COVID PPE grant
normal in a month or few months time. Sadly, $1 ,000
that was not the case.
DCCF COVID relief grant (3rd round)
Now almost a year later, we have learned a lot, $5,000
endured so many challenges, and persevered State of Illinois Business Interruption
through one of the most challenging times in our grant (BIG)
history. $55,000
Here is the grim reality of the impact to the Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation
Egyptian Theatre from COVID-19 thus far: COVID relief grant
March 13, 2020 - December 31, 2020 $30,000
Egyptian Theatre COVID relief fundraiser
110 events impacted (July 2020)
21 community groups that would have NIVA Emergency Relief Fund
had events here impacted $20,000
32,000 estimated attendance loss Egyptian Theatre 91st Birthday Club
$ $600,000 total financial impact fundraiser
$1 2,0 75
( Continued )